Where is Sweet Home Sextuplets filmed? Find out about family’s hometown

Eric and Courtney Waldrop in a confessional for Sweet Home Sextuplets
The Waldrops are navigating life with nine children. Pic credit: TLC

Sweet Home Sextuplets has taken TLC by storm. The Waldrop family is the newest clan to showcase what it is like to raise multiples on a reality show. With six boys and three girls, Eric and Courtney Waldrop have their hands full.

The Waldrops live in Albertville, Alabama. With the show being called Sweet Home Sextuplets, the state in which they reside should be no shock. The town is about 50 miles south of Huntsville, Alabama which is where the sextuplets were born.

Albertville has been incredibly supportive for Eric and Courtney Waldrop as they conquered this journey. Carrying six babies is a lot of work and with there already being three boys in the family, keeping up was about all Courtney could muster.

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In fact, the town came out to celebrate the Waldrop sextuplet gender reveal where the parents learned they were having three boys and three girls. After raising three boys for the last several years, adding a little pink into the family was intimidating.

Despite all of the hurdles the Waldrops were thrown, they are doing well as a family of 11. All of the sextuplets are home and appear to be doing well. Social media photos indicate that all are healthy babies, something that was a concern when deciding whether to carry on with the pregnancy of six babies or selectively reducing the number of babies growing in Courtney’s belly.

As viewers watch the Waldrop’s journey unfold on Sweet Home Sextuplets, there is hope that there will be more from this family in the future.

Sweet Home Sextuplets airs Tuesday nights at 10/9c on TLC.

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sylvia henderson
sylvia henderson
4 years ago

Love this family