With 24 OGs set to return to compete on The Challenge: All Stars 3, their experiences span many seasons of the show featuring all sorts of crazy daily challenges and elimination events.
In a promotional video for the upcoming spinoff season, various cast members share which events from their time on the show are their all-time favorites.
It’s a trip down memory lane for the OG competitors. One individual said the daily event they won felt like “winning a final,” and another revealed she lost feeling in her fingers for six months after an elimination.
The Challenge: All Stars 3 promo video presents OGs’ favorite challenges
Mark Long will head up a cast of elite competitors for Paramount Plus’ The Challenge: All Stars 3, so it’s only natural that he’d lead the way for the latest promotional video. The 50-year-old who helped bring the spinoff to life shared that he loves the “mini finals” they do during daily challenges on the show.
“Who doesn’t like melting ice with their a** in a speedo?” Long asked in the video’s intro segment.
Several cast members revealed their favorite daily challenges involved doing things while on moving semi-trucks. For example, Jordan Wiseley said his favorite was teaming up with Nany Gonzalez in Total Madness to grab puzzle pieces off the side of a semi and then solve the puzzle on top of the truck.
Derrick Kosinski and Jonna Mannion loved daily challenges from their All Stars seasons that involved running or jumping around on the trucks.
For Brad Fiorenza, it was the roller derby daily event from his Duel I season that was “full contact” and had a motorcycle as a prize. Brad said that winning the event felt “like winning a final.”
All Stars 3 competitor says she lost feeling in fingers from elimination
The video above also reveals some of the OG competitors’ favorite elimination events. For example, two-time champion Wes Bergmann said defeating Derrick Kosinski in a Pole Wrestle from The Duel season (below) is his favorite, and he expects Derrick may want revenge now.
Kendall Darnell said she’d love to do the Knot So Fast elimination event again that she won against Trishelle Cannatella in the first All Stars season.
For the event, competitors had a long, thick rope they had to maneuver through a jungle gym-style structure for a specific amount of time. Once that time ended, they switched spots with their opponent, and the first one to unravel the others’ mess would win.
Meanwhile, KellyAnne Judd brought up an elimination from years ago in which she defeated Rachel Robinson and Julie Stoffer.
“My favorite moment in my Challenge history is when I beat Robin and Rachel in elimination. I ended up losing feeling in my three fingers for almost six months,” she recalls.
She mentioned that the elimination involved holding herself up for about two hours.
“Also, I got to make Johnny Bananas upset, and that made me really happy,” KellyAnne shared.
KellyAnne’s memorable elimination event occurred in Season 16, aka Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island. It wasn’t technically called an elimination, but a Face-Off called The Rack.
KellyAnne, Rachel Robinson, and Robin Hibbard had to keep themselves up on two parallel bars made of bamboo placed in the water. The objective was the player had to keep themselves in contact with both bars at all times. Whoever could stay up on their set of bars the longest was declared the winner.
At the end of the promotional video, All Stars Season 1 winner Yes Duffy brings up a great point. Avoiding eliminations has typically been a great strategy for him, as it keeps a competitor around to reach the final and win it. It was his key to success in the first spinoff season, and he’s hoping to repeat it with All Stars 3.
The Challenge: All Stars 3 premieres on May 11 on Paramount+.
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