
Teen Mom 2: Critics drag Jenelle Evans for claiming she might have ALS

Teen Mom 2 alum Jenelle Evans
In a recent health update, Jenelle Evans told her fans she’s being “checked for ALS.” Pic credit: Jenelle Eason/YouTube

Teen Mom 2 alum Jenelle Evans has had a rough go of it concerning her health lately, and her recent update has her fans shocked and her critics angry.

Jenelle keeps her fans in the loop as she navigates her journey to find answers for her physical ailments.

The former reality TV star has complained of spinal tumors and fears that one day she’ll become paralyzed and has also shared her battles with mysterious rashes and esophageal issues.

Teen Mom 2 alum Jenelle Evans updates fans on health, getting ‘checked for ALS’

Now, Jenelle says she sought a second opinion from another neurologist who wants to rule out ALS in a recent TikTok video.

“Let me tell you guys a little health update,” Jenelle told her followers. “So, I got a second opinion from a neurologist, and she’s going to be checking me for ALS.”

“Since she has told me this, yes, I have been freaking out in my head a lot. I’ve been crying a lot. I’ve been crying like every single night by myself. But we’re re-doing all my bloodwork, we’re re-doing my nerve study,” Jenelle added.

Jenelle said her new doctor referred her to a neurosurgeon, and she’s going to see a lung doctor after complaining of trouble breathing. Jenelle claims that her hands are shaking and that her thumb grip on her left hand is “almost completely gone.”

After seeing Jenelle’s TikTok, her critics took to Reddit, where they slammed the Teen Mom 2 alum for implying she might have the degenerative, deadly disease known as ALS.

What is ALS?

According to, ALS, which stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a “progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.”

Often, patients are diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 70, with an average age of 55 at the time of diagnosis, and ALS is 20% more common in men than women.

Many of Jenelle’s critics took to Reddit, where they called her out for implying she might have the devastating disease, many of them sharing their own experiences with family members who died slow, painful deaths. Others called out Jenelle for what they felt was an exaggeration of her symptoms and an attempt to garner attention.

Jenelle Evans’ critics slam her for claiming she might have ALS

“I just don’t understand why she wants this,” wrote one of Jenelle’s critics. “I’m coming up on the anniversary of the day I was diagnosed with my disease, and it’s been rough. Who wants this?? I don’t get it, just why.”

Another voiced, “She wants the attention and the pity. It also might develop into a pretty good grift if she can gain enough traction with one of these sob stories about one of her many ‘illnesses’ to get a good go fund me going or something. Everything Jenelle does is for attention, pity, money or all 3. She doesn’t think or care about any other repercussions of her behaviour.”

redditors called out teen mom 2 alum jenelle evans for implying she might have als
Pic credit: u/sgray1919/Reddit

“There’s nothing wrong with her,” commented another Redditor who felt Jenelle was exaggerating. “This nut thrives on attention and Tik Tok is where she finds it. SMH…. HARD.”

Another Redditor took aim at Jenelle’s husband David Eason in their comment which mockingly read, “sure she’s suffering due to ALS – A Large Sasquatch.”

redditors called out teen mom 2 alum jenelle evans for implying she might have als
Pic credit: u/sgray1919/Reddit

Jenelle has been using social media to give her followers frequent updates about her health, but in December 2021, she told her fans that she would be lying low to focus on her health.

“I’ve been taking a break from social media a lot more because I don’t feel good,” Jenelle told her followers. “Yeah, sorry I haven’t been as active, just been taking it easy, been resting. I’ve been in a lot of pain, so just trying to take it easy on my body.”

Teen Mom 2 is currently on hiatus.

All episodes of Teen Mom 2 are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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2 years ago

Does she not consider her past about her drug use?