
John Hersey claps back at haters talking bad about Katie Thurston

John Hersey
John Hersey defends Katie Thurston. Pic credit: @johnalexhersey/Instagram

John Hersey has jumped to the defense of ex-partner Katie Thurston after a hater slammed her on social media.

Bachelor Nation got the shock of a lifetime a few days ago when Michelle Young and Nayte Olukoya announced they were splitting up. But when just hours later, Katie Thurston and John Hersey said they were done, too, fans were in a state of astonishment.

While both Katie and John released public statements about their split, John’s seemed like a longer, more heartfelt message. Whereas Katie’s was four words, and that’s it.

Because of her lack of explanation and sentiment, fans were even more confused about what happened and how the breakup went down, especially after Katie just got back from a 30-day social media break.

However, as viewers and critics continue to speculate about the couple’s split, some have been quick to judge and state their own thoughts and opinions, and John wasn’t ok with it.

John Hersey defends his ex, Katie Thurston

On one of the many breakup posts all over Instagram and the internet, one person wrote something that John wasn’t a fan of, as one girl claimed, “i feel like katie is the reason she can’t get a guy.”

One critic hates on Katie Thurston.
Pic credit: @bachelorwhatever/Instagram

After seeing and reading that comment, John decided to respond back and let that person know his true thoughts. He stated, “@karsyn_earl you will speak a finite number of words throughout your life. I urge you to speak more kindly, especially about someone you don’t know.”

John went on to say, “I have never been so supported or unconditionally loved by a partner. Assuming and implying that Katie is doing something wrong doe not sit right with me. The internet can be a mean place- let’s not add to it.”

John Hersey claps back at the hater who put down his ex.
Pic credit: @bachelorwhatever/Instagram

Other Bachelor Nation fans gave John props

After reading how John decided to defend Katie and clap back at the hater who decided she had everything figured out, other fans showed their admiration and respect for John himself.

They either said something to the troll, too, or they showed their support for John’s message.

One person wrote, “@johnalexhersey you have such a way with words. very admirable!!” Two other fans of John’s gave him red hearts and hands clapping emojis.

Still, another Bachelor Nation fan responded to the girl who said what she did about Katie from the start as she declared, “no need to be a mean girl about a person you do not know.”

Other viewers back John and clap back at the hater.
Pic credit: @bachelorwhatever/Instagram

Despite the hurt and heartbreak John must be feeling about a breakup with someone he truly loved, he still had the respect for his ex, Katie, to defend her publicly when a troll went after her on Instagram.

This truly says something about John’s character, and while fans still don’t know why the duo split, it’s safe to say John still thinks highly of Katie.

Bachelor in Paradise premieres Tuesday, September 27, on ABC.

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2 years ago


2 years ago

I ­­­­­­a­­m ­­­­ma­­k­­i­­ng 8­­5­­ u­­s­­d e­­a­­ch­­ h­­o­­u­­r ­­­­f­­o­­r w­­o­­r­­ki­­n­­g­­ ­­­­on­­l­­i­­n­­e. ­­I n­­e­­v­­e­­r ­­­­t­­h­­o­­u­­g­­h­­t ­­­­t­­h­­a­­t ­­­­i­­t ­­­­w­­a­­s ­­­­l­­e­­g­­i­­t­­ b­­u­­t­­­­ ­­m­­y­­ ­­­­­­b­­e­­s­­t­­­­ ­­f­­r­­i­­e­­n­­d­­ ­­e­­a­­r­­n­­s ­­­­1­­1­­0­­0­­0 d­­o­­l­­l­­a­­r­­s ­­­­ev­­e­­r­­y ­­m­­o­­n­­t­­h ­­d­­­­o­­i­­n­­g t­­h­­i­­s ­­a­­n­­d­­ s­­h­­e ­­­­sh­­o­­w­­e­­d ­­m­­e­­ ­­h­­o­­w­­.­­ ­­C­­h­­e­­c­­k ­­i­­t ­­o­­u­­t ­­b­­y ­­­­v­­i­­s­­i­­t­­i­­n­­­­­­­g f­­­­­­­ol­­­­­­­lo­­­­­­­w­­­­­­­in­­­­­­­g­­­­­­ L­­i­­n­­k­­…

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