Anna and Josh Duggar might not appear on Counting On, but Duggar fans still want to keep up with what is going on in their life. The former reality stars shared an updated family photo, and followers are all over it.
The Duggar family photo features Josh and Anna with their six children. All of the girls, including mom, are wearing matching dresses while two of the brothers match, and one of the other little boys matches his dad.
On the Instagram post, the comment section is a mix of compliments and disses. One follower slammed Anna Duggar for having a “baby every year.”
While that isn’t accurate, she is the daughter-in-law with the greatest amount of kids.

Josh and Anna Duggar were married in 2008 and celebrated 11 years married last September. The couple has six children.
Mackynzie was born in 2009, Michael was born in 2011, Marcus was born in 2013, Meredith was born in 2015, Mason was born in 2017 and Maryella was born in 2019.
Several followers came to Anna Duggar’s aide against the mean comment, others followed with more unkind remarks.
It has been an uphill battle for Anna, especially after the news that Josh Duggar reportedly molested several of his sisters when he was a teenager. The news broke in 2015 when Anna was pregnant with her fourth child.
There hasn’t been a redemption story for Josh Duggar, and while Anna Duggar continues to stay by his side, some followers are skeptical of him. Unfortunately for her, she is a casualty of his choices in life.
While Anna has appeared on Counting On a few times, the TLC network will never allow Josh to be a part of filming at all.
Even though things haven’t been perfect for Josh and Anna Duggar, she continues to share their family moments on Instagram. Showing off her children is not something she will ever stop doing.