
Kamani confronts Agu over having hand up Emily’s skirt on Invite Only Cabo

Agu talking to Kamani on Invite Only Cabo
Agu talks it out with Kamani about his betrayal on this week’s Invite Only Cabo

Kamani and Agu have it out on Invite Only Cabo tonight — after she confronts him over being caught with his hand up Emily’s skirt.

The pair have a heart-to-heart after last week’s episode which saw Agu carrying out the compromising act while he and Emily sat in the back of a car with Larry and Bianca.

On tonight’s episode, Agu says that what he did “f*****” her over, but then Kamani tries to turn the tables on her by saying maybe he wouldn’t have done it if she’d kissed him.

She says she’s “furious” at what he did as he promised he wouldn’t get intimate with Emily, adding: “I really wanted to believe you and I really wanted to take you seriously.”

Agu says that he only did it because he was drunk and asks her not to let that get in the way of what they had before.

But when he starts to turn the tables on her, she says: “Thank God I didn’t kiss you. Thank God I didn’t let you touch me like that.”

She is left fuming when he says: “I wonder if you did, would that have happened?”

Also on this week’s Invite Only Cabo, Larry brings his secret lover into the house and Jermande heads up an investigation.

Meanwhile, everything becomes too much for Larry which leaves the entire vacation in jeopardy.

Invite Only Cabo airs Sundays at 9/8c on Bravo.

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