
Fear the Walking Dead recap: June gets the job done

Ruben Blades as Daniel and Jenna Elfman as June, as seen in Episode 9 of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead Season 6
Ruben Blades as Daniel and Jenna Elfman as June, as seen in Episode 9 of Fear the Walking Dead Season 6. Pic credit: AMC/Ryan Green

Last week’s episode of Fear the Walking Dead saw the devastating death of John Dorie (Garret Dillahunt). This week opens with June (Jenna Elfman) having to not only grieve for her beloved husband but bury him as well.

In the background, Virginia (Colby Minifie) is too busy trying to track down her sister, Dakota (Zoe Colletti).

Honestly, it is this single scene that makes me hate Virginia the most.

Once John is buried, it is time for Virginia to get sh*t done by way of her usual methods.

Gathering up all of those people within her communities that know Morgan (Lennie James), she starts laying it on heavy as she tries to get information out of them.

It doesn’t work, so she tries to contact Morgan on the radio instead, this time threatening to blow out Grace’s (Karen David) “glowing” brains — way to make someone feel even worse for being radioactive!

Morgan rides into town

Lennie James stars as Morgan, as seen in Episode 9 of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead Season 6
Lennie James stars as Morgan, as seen in Episode 9 of Fear the Walking Dead Season 6. Pic credit: AMC/Ryan Green

Morgan still doesn’t make contact via radio, but that’s because he decides to mosey on into town on horseback and tell Virginia’s Rangers a few home truths about their leader.

And, just like that, the Rangers start giving Virginia the side-eye until Strand (Colman Domingo) finally shows his hand.

And, as many suspected, he was playing Virginia big time. Sure, she had tasked him with leading her Rangers but, in the background, he had been recruiting them against her.

A big shootout occurs after that, and Virginia manages to get shot. Not to death, unfortunately, because there is still time in the episode for a big reveal regarding Virginia’s motivation for being such a big-time b*tch.

But first, Morgan has to get her out of the line of fire because she’s sent Grace off to some secret location and she is the only one who can free Morgan’s pregnant girlfriend.

Zoe Colletti stars as Dakota, as seen in Episode 9 of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead Season 6
Zoe Colletti stars as Dakota, as seen in Episode 9 of Fear the Walking Dead Season 6. Pic Credit: AMC/Ryan Green

Virginia reveals she is Dakota’s mother

Morgan manages to get Virginia away from everyone and somewhat patches up her wound too. Although, he left the bullet in, causing quite a bit of pain. Which feels kind of therapeutic to the viewers who are well and truly sick of her.

Morgan does his infamous monologuing and manages to get Virginia to spill the tea about her megab*tch status.

It turns out she’s really Dakota’s mother and not her sister. Because of this, she will do anything to protect her. Anything.

Wow! Am I supposed to be more surprised at this reveal? Honestly, I don’t even care. Can the woman just die already?

I know Morgan won’t do it, but there are plenty out there willing…

Morgan takes Virginia to his safe haven and wonders why everyone is annoyed

While evading the multitude of people trying to track them down and kill Virginia, Morgan takes her to the very place they have been keeping a secret from her.

Morgan’s safe haven is safe no more and, as soon as they arrive, everyone is all like, “Da fuq, is she here?” Myself included…

Confused face meme
Confused face meme

However, Morgan is still trying to get everyone around the campfire to sing Kumbaya, and he really wants Virginia to make her peace with Dakota.

This goes exactly as you expect it would.

Dakota is still a little psycho and now she’s just more annoyed at her mother.

Virginia then finally decides she wants to make amends for everything and, rather than have Strand and his group torture her, she asks Morgan to give her a clean kill.

So, you know where this is going…

Morgan tries. He tries really hard to kill Virginia by lopping off her head. But, in the end, it’s time for a Morgan monologue and he asks everyone inside to his little safe haven. Or not, the choice is up to whoever wants to join. A few do; many more decide to risk it on their own.

It all smacks of what happened to Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) when Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) finally caught him in The Walking Dead. So, honestly, Morgan should know better.

Lauren Cohan as Maggie, as seen in The Walking Dead
Lauren Cohan as Maggie, as seen in The Walking Dead. Pic credit: AMC

Morgan and Grace are reunited

In the end, Morgan and Grace are reunited. It’s a poignant reunion and, as to be expected. The first thing on their mind is not the making it out alive, but the conversation about how Morgan is a good man and how he has remained true to his morals all along, *rolls eyes*

It’s a conversation I’m kind of overhearing. We get it; Morgan is the good guy. Can we move along already without having to dedicate great chunks of dialogue to it?

While Morgan may get the happy ending for being the good guy, the same can not be said for Dwight (Austin Amelio). Instead, Sherry (Christine Evangelista) plans to continue hanging with the masked guys and work herself out along the way.

At least Dwight has worked out that they are done this time and simply lets her go.

Jenna Elfman as June and Colby Minifie as Virginia (R), as seen in Episode 9 of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead Season 6
Jenna Elfman as June (R) and Colby Minifie as Virginia, as seen in Episode 9 of Fear the Walking Dead Season 6. Pic credit: AMC

June gets the job done

Last week, it was just a theory that June would be the one to take out Virginia. However, this week we know better.

While June may not have killed Virginia when predicted at the start of the episode. She certainly came through at the end after a heart-to-heart, mother-to-mother.

Virginia seemed to think she could get June somewhat on her side by displaying her “mothers will do anything for their daughters” card. Except that is the very thing that got her killed.

However, June is no Maggie (Lauren Cohan), and, as TV Insider points out, Virginia does not get a chance to redeem herself as Negan did in The Walking Dead.

Once June realized that Virginia knew that Dakota had done bad things and covered them up, she was done with the whole situation. Shooting Virginia point black, she then sauntered out of Morgan’s safe haven while wearing John’s hat and looking every bit the part of some Wild West heroine determined to get the hell out of Dodge.

And, seriously, can next week’s episode just be June being a bada*s? Perhaps, Sherry can join her and they can singlehandedly sort everything out?

As to how long June will stay away remains to be seen, and viewers will just have to tune into next week’s episode of Fear the Walking Dead in order to find out more.

Fear the Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9/8c on AMC.

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