
Big Brother Prankster Vote: Results will name second HOH

Analyse And Christie On Block
Analyse Talavera and Christie Murphy during Big Brother 21 Eviction Ceremony. Pic credit: Robert Voets/CBS

The CBS Big Brother 21 Prankster Vote is a great way to get more fans involved with the show. On Thursday night, host Julie Chen Moonves let the viewers know about how a huge twist would soon impact the game.

It was already a really busy night for the BB21 cast, beginning with Analyse Talavera getting evicted on a 5-1 vote. Then, Holly Allen won the latest Head of Household Competition, becoming the first two-time HOH this summer.

That might be a full night for some episodes, especially since a lot of time was spent revealing all the details of what happened on Taco Tuesday. That fight has made Christie look like a genius at playing the game.

But when Julie revealed more details about the Big Brother Prankster twist, it got social media buzzing. Not even Holly knows how it is going to impact her, even though she was warned that the new HOH would get pranked.

CBS Big Brother 21 Prankster Vote

The show has set up a voting portal where fans can choose someone from the BB21 cast to become America’s Prankster. It’s a quick version of America’s Vote, with only 15 total hours for viewers to weigh in.

Everyone only has until 9 a.m. PT on the morning of Friday, August 23 to place up to 10 votes (each day). The winner of this vote is going to share the HOH title with Holly, basically splitting it down the middle.

As Julie told the television viewers, the Big Brother Prankster is going to get to select the second nominee for eviction. That’s going to really shake things up, especially if America picks someone who is working against Holly.

Anything could happen with this vote and there are many different ideas that fans are posting about on social media. Some people want to finally reward Nicole Anthony with some power, others want Nick Maccarone to take the spot so he can nominate Christie Murphy, and then there are those people who want complete chaos with someone like Christie getting that power.

When are Prankster Vote results revealed on Big Brother?

Television viewers will find out the CBS Big Brother 21 Prankster Vote results during the Sunday (August 25) episode, but live feed viewers are going to learn the name of that person on Friday (August 23). Friday is when the Nomination Ceremony will take place and a lot of spoilers will get leaked online.

For readers who are interested, Analyse Talavera also gave her exit interview after the Thursday night episode came to a close.

Big Brother currently airs CBS episodes each Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night.

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