Big Brother spoilers about the final HOH are expected to come out on the live feeds today. Saturday should be a big day for the final three houseguests, especially as the season finale quickly approaches.
For anyone who needs a breakdown on how the final three works for the BB21 cast, here is an article worth checking out. For everyone ready for the latest spoilers, carry on reading the post.
We already know who won Part 1 of the final HOH, as it took place late Thursday evening inside the house. Jackson Michie took complete control of the game, again, and has an edge to make the final two on finale night.
That victory by Jackson left Part 2 to be played by Nicole Anthony and Holly Allen. The winner of Part 2 would move on to face Jackson in Part 3 during the season finale.
yep big boy, we see you.. we've seen it all pic.twitter.com/DlFyvhIvvX
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) September 21, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: Final HOH Part 2 live feeds info
There is good news and bad news for fans who want more information on what is happening in the game. The great news is that by the end of Saturday, we should know who has won Part 2 of the final HOH. It is expected to be played out in order to decide who gets to advance to Part 3.
The bad news here is that it is unclear when it will take place and the competition is not going to be watchable on the live feeds. At some point on Saturday (September 21), it is expected that the feeds will be turned off so that Holly and Nicole can battle it out. Then, when they have a winner, the feeds will get turned back on.
Cards #BB21 pic.twitter.com/NvgFST6LVE
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) September 21, 2019
Stay tuned folks, as those Big Brother spoilers should be coming out later in the afternoon hours. Until then, don’t forget to vote for the BB21 cast member who you feel should win America’s Favorite Houseguest this summer. Or you can even take a look at the goodbye messages Cliff got to watch.
Big Brother 21 has a new episode on Sunday, September 22 at 8/7c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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