The Big Brother recap from the September 11 episode covered the Veto Competition and whether or not the POV got used this week. It might have been a turning point in who will make the final four of the BB21 cast.
On the Sunday night episode, it was revealed that Jackson Michie won the Head of Household Competition. He then nominated Cliff Hogg and Tommy Bracco for eviction.
The only other people left in the BB21 cast were Holly Allen and Nicole Anthony, which meant that everyone was going to get to play for the Power of Veto this week. That moment aired during the Wednesday night episode.
this was a great touch, kudos to BB and the comics artists! pic.twitter.com/IkSB3PxsP0
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) September 12, 2019
Big Brother recap: Tommy reveals his secret
The first segment of the new episode covered Tommy revealing that he knew Christie. This revelation was a conversation that he had with Jackson and Holly before the Veto Competition took place.
Jackson took it well as Tommy was saying his piece and Holly said that he felt bad for speaking ill of Christie in front of Tommy. In a Diary Room session, though, Jackson spoke about Tommy already having a jury vote.
Veto Competition: BB Comics
The familiar competition was back, and the final five houseguests all got a chance to play in it. It involved taking a zip line past an open window that showed comics situated in a specific order and then replicating that.
Nicole Anthony won the Power of Veto with an amazing time. It has been noted on social media that it is one of the best times in BB Comics over the history of the show.
It’s time for the Veto competition! #BB21 pic.twitter.com/k6ZPv7ZE0x
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 12, 2019
Veto Ceremony time
Nicole used the Golden Power of Veto to save Cliff. She didn’t want her duo partner on the block. This decision meant that Jackson had to name Holly as the replacement nominee.
At the upcoming Eviction Ceremony, Cliff and Nicole vote on whether to evict Tommy Bracco or Holly Allen. It’s a decision that could shape the rest of the summer 2019 season.
That brings an end to the Big Brother recap from the September 11 episode. Only a few more episodes remain on the summer 2019 schedule before the winner is revealed.
Big Brother airs new CBS episodes on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
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