
Big Brother recap: Season 21, Episode 27 covers nominees, punishments of BB21 cast

Holly Allen As HOH
Holly Allen was looking to make moves as the HOH on Big Brother 21. Brinton/CBS

The Big Brother recap from Sunday night covers Season 21, Episode 27 of the show. There was a lot for the producers to cover, including the revelation of the nominations and the latest BB21 cast punishments.

On Thursday night, Analyse Talavera was evicted on a 5-1 vote. It was a surprise eviction for her, but it led to an interesting exit interview that CBS shared online that evening.

Big Brother Episode 27 recap

A long recap of footage was shown to open Episode 27. This was to catch up CBS viewers on how Christie Murphy was able to save herself from getting evicted.

The way she did it was to promise Jackson Michie and Holly Allen that she would do anything they asked of her. That included being a nominee.

When Holly and Jackson started discussing who to nominate, they thought about putting Christie on the block as a pawn. When Holly approached Christie about it, Christie got upset, trying to back out of her deal already.

Big Brother 21 punishments

Nicole Anthony, Cliff Hogg, and Jessica Milagros received punishments for being the worst finishers in the last HOH competition.

Their punishment was to make pies and smash them into the faces of the people assigned to them. Lots of footage was shown of the trio pieing themselves, each other, and other BB21 cast members in the middle of the night.

Who is the Big Brother Prankster?

The cast found out that the Big Brother Prankster was going to get to nominate one of the people this week. Later in the episode, it was revealed who America had chosen.

America picked Nick Maccarone to be the Big Brother Prankster. He then got to nominate one person for eviction and he got to do everything anonymously.

Nomination Ceremony

At the Nomination Ceremony, Holly nominated Nick for eviction. It was also revealed that Nick had secretly nominated Christie for eviction. Nick and Christie would get a chance to save themselves at the Veto Competition.

That brings an end to the Big Brother recap for Season 21, Episode 27. The next installment will come on Wednesday night when CBS viewers find out who won the Power of Veto and if they used it. For readers who want to jump ahead, we already know who won the POV this week.

Big Brother 21 airs CBS episodes each Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

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