The Bisexual comes to Hulu — Here’s what you need to know

Imported from the UK (Channel 4), Hulu brings The Bisexual to the small screen in mid-November. The Bisexual is a dramedy that will present a look at the life of an American living abroad who is coming to terms with her two sexual desires. The series is co-written and directed by the lead actor, Desiree

Exclusive: Master of Arms premiere, how to make a battle-worthy axe tutorial

Master of Arms is a new competition series premiering tonight on Discovery. The show features three hobbyist weapons makers who are pitted against each other in manufacturing guns, knives, and swords. The catch is that these weapons must also be “fully functional, historically accurate weapons,” to be put through rigorous testing by four judges and

The Facebook Dilemma on Frontline PBS might make you want to close your account

Tonight is the second part of PBS Frontline’s The Facebook Dilemma, and it is so vexing in its reporting that you might even contemplate closing your social account for good. The program alleges that Facebook has been cavalier at best about your information and, at the very worst, criminally negligent in guarding the platform from