Whitney Thore has been talking about adoption for a while now. It is a topic that will be discussed again during Season 6 of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, and it was also touched upon at the end of last season. Will Whitney be able to adopt a child as she wants?
During several conversations about adopting, Whitney Thore revealed that her ideal situation would be to adopt a child from South Korea. She taught English there years ago, and while there she fell in love with the children. Will this be the answer to Whitney’s adoption goals?
No support from friends
Season 6 of My Big Fat Fabulous Life is ready to return and there will be plenty of resistance from Whitney Thore’s friends about her adoption dreams.
While Tal is on her side, the rest of her friends at the cat cafe aren’t giving her their full support. In fact, Todd is one of the biggest critics, questioning her ability to care for a child.
Of course, Buddy Bell was supportive of her decision when she talked to him while visiting him for a day. She mentioned that he was on her side when the others were raining on her parade at the cat cafe. Despite the lack of support from her friends, Whitney Thore planned to go ahead with her plans.
Harsh reality
During the Season 6 premiere of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Whitney and Tal go to speak with an adoption expert. Prior to attending, a little research was done so Whitney had some expectations about what would happen when asking questions.
It was confirmed that because Whitney Thore isn’t married, she may have a hard time adopting a child. The adoption expert even mentioned that Tal would have a better shot at getting chosen over her.
That was definitely not what Whitney had expected to hear, though she wasn’t completely shocked because it had been mentioned to her by several people prior to the meeting.
The worst news came when Whitney Thore learned that in order to adopt from South Korea, there were requirements. Not only will a history of depression or mental illness disqualify you, but there is also a certain BMI (body mass index) which you must be under. Of course, that signaled anger in her, and she let her feelings be known.
After leaving the meeting, Whitney and Tal went home and she calculated what she would need to lose in order to qualify for the BMI that would be accepted in the adoption process.
It turns out that she’d need to lose nearly 200 pounds, but even then she would only be just under the highest number allowed.
Whether Whitney Way will adopt a baby remains to be seen, but her desire to be a mom won’t disappear overnight.
My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs Tuesday nights at 8/7c on TLC.