
Vanna White promises to call Wheel of Fortune contestant’s husband who gushes over her beauty

vanna white at the 16th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball
Vanna White made a contestant a promise. Pic credit: ©

One lucky Wheel of Fortune contestant might want to keep their phone nearby after a promise made by Vanna White.

During a recent episode of Wheel of Fortune, a contestant named Dee Dee sparked up a conversation with longtime tile-turner and Pat Sajak’s co-host, Vanna White.

Dee Dee noted that her husband is a huge fan of Vanna’s, who especially appreciates the Wheel of Fortune co-host’s wardrobe.

“When [my husband is] not watching, I try to take photos of the outfits that you have in hopes that maybe he’ll get me something beautiful one day!” Dee Dee revealed to Vanna.

“He hasn’t yet, but you look beautiful today,” Dee Dee added.

Vanna seemed thrilled that Dee Dee’s husband was so enamored with her, as evidenced by her response.

Vanna White is flattered by a Wheel of Fortune contestant’s husband’s adoration

As the 66-year-old winked and made a gesture mimicking holding a phone, Vanna teased, “Thank you! I’ll give him a call!”

Dee Dee was equally delighted by Vanna’s remark, thanking her for the offer.

Vanna’s sidekick and longtime friend, Pat Sajak, said, joking with Dee Dee, “She’ll charge ya an arm and a leg.”

Vanna takes her Wheel of Fortune wardrobe very seriously

As it turns out, Vanna’s outfits are legendary, and not just because she always looks put together — she has only worn the same dress twice in her 41-year- tenure.

Vanna has modeled more than 7,000 unique dresses since 1982 on the Wheel of Fortune stage, an impressive feat.

But, during a 2020 episode of Wheel of Fortune, Vanna donned a sleeveless blue dress that she had worn to film an episode once before.

Typically, the dress designers send her dresses directly to the studio. But in this instance, a mistake meant that she wore a dress for an unprecedented second time.

Vanna told TV Insider that she was “distraught” over the mixup, adding that the mistake happened when, somehow, her dress got “lost in the shuffle.”

“We take a picture of every dress, and we have a, you know, list of everything, and somehow, I don’t know if the description was different than the other description, but it was the exact same dress,” Vanna explained.

She added that an eagle-eyed Wheel of Fortune viewer who was “watching very closely” was the one who noticed the fashion faux pas.

Despite the mix-up, Vanna can’t complain about her dressing room backstage.

It’s complete with a sparkly chandelier to make it feel more like her home away from home since she spends four long days a month there.

When it comes to Vanna’s wardrobe, she does have a preference for which type of dresses she wears, and with good reason.

As she explained in 2017, “I like wearing the short ones best. I do, just because I don’t trip.”

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