Spring means thin ice for everyone in Life Below Zero

Chip falls through the ice as he tries to get his snowmobile out of the water.
Chip ends up in the drink in Life Below Zero, he’s lucky to have company

In this episode of Life Below Zero – the spring brings its own set of problems for the plucky Alaskans.

Chip ends up in trouble when his snowmobile and caribou laden sled go through the ice. Help is on hand in the form of Agnes and the boys but even as they try to get the machine out of the water Chip himself goes in and has to be dragged out.

Winter might be harsh and unforgiving in the wilderness of the far north but spring can bring its own set of problems.

As snow melts rivers start to rage and where before they might have been no obstacle then now become impassable.

Likewise the increasingly patchy snow coverage means a sort of in-between time for transport. Where a snowmobile is still handy but can get into trouble both in crossing thin ice and where the snow runs out.

Higher in the mountains the spring thaw means avalanches are always a threat and most are glad when summer finally arrives.

Catch Life Below Zero – River of Rage at 9 PM on National Geographic.

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