
Is Abigail leaving Days of our Lives?

Will Abigail die on Days of our Lives.
Could this be the end of Abigail Deveraux DiMera on Days? Pic credit: NBC

Is Abigail leaving Days of our Lives? That’s the question fans are asking after today’s episode left the character’s future hanging in the balance.

Abigail (Marci Miller) is a pivotal character on the Days canvas as the daughter of legendary supercouple Jack (Matthew Ashford) and Jennifer (Melissa Reeves). Then the writers made the character even more important to the show when Abigail was paired with Chad (Billy Flynn), connecting her to the all-powerful DiMera family.

For months now, the rumor mill has been buzzing that Abigail would be gruesomely murdered, kicking off a who killed her mystery lasting all summer long. Now the time has come to find out if there is any truth to those rumors.

Is Abigail leaving Days of our Lives?

The answer to the question is Abigail leaving Days of our Lives is yes. Those pesky rumors are true, and Abigail does die on Days, leaving her loved ones reeling from her shocking death.

As for why Abigail was killed, it turns out her portrayer Marci wasn’t able to commit to playing the character full time. Last year, Marci welcomed her first child, daughter Willett “Willie” James Matteson, with her husband, Ryan Matteson.

Marci and her husband call Colorado home, which means she’s been commuting back and forth to Burbank, where the hit soap opera films. It appears the actress no longer wanted to do the long-distance commute full-time.

According to head writer Ron Carlivati, the decision to kill Abigail came because neither Marci nor Kate Mansi, also known for playing the character, wanted to be on contract. The writers opted to make a bold choice to keep the character of Chad from being pushed to the back burner.

While Abagail is leaving the hit NBC soap opera and she does die, that doesn’t mean the character is gone forever. Days fans know full well that death doesn’t always stick in Salem.

Who killed Abigail?

The loss of Abigail will certainly upset fans, but it does mean a new mystery on the show. Days of our Lives spoilers reveal that Gwen (Emily O’Brien), Leo (Greg Rikaart), and Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) kick off the list of suspects.

Gwen hated Abigail, especially after the mug incident and breaking up her wedding to Xander (Paul Telfer). Leo vowed revenge on all those who cost him Craig (Kevin Spirtas), and Chad was on that list.

Plus, he’s been hiding in the tunnels of the DiMera mansion, and the two friends did have that incriminating phone call, where Gwen pretty much ordered Leo to hurt her sister.

In an interesting turn of events, Lucas ends up on the suspect list after falling off the wagon. Lucas also learned Abigail knew he kidnapped Sami (Alison Sweeney), not EJ (Dan Feuerriegel).

No doubt more people will be added to the list before the killer is revealed, which likely won’t be until November or February sweeps.

What do you think of Abigail being killed off the show?

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on NBC.

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2 years ago

I think it’s a big mistake. She should be replaced

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen

I agree! I’m to the point where I don’t even care to watch the show any longer!!

Tammy McCarty
Tammy McCarty
2 years ago
Reply to  Sandra

same here. I may end up not watching any longer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tammy McCarty

I want be watching I didn’t watch when the devil was on and I am done with this show I start watching other programs don’t need that drama

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Agree! At least leave one happy family on the show! And no more devil stories! These are so ridiculous!

Tammy McCarty
Tammy McCarty
2 years ago

Boo! Bad decision to kill of the character of Abigail.

Cynthia McDonald
Cynthia McDonald
2 years ago

Wow. Sorry to see her go. Poor Chad. Time to get rid of Leo please!

2 years ago

I’m disappointed I’m not going to watch this soap anymore you all could have replace her so sad every time there is a good plot you screw it up bye bye

Just a Girl
Just a Girl
2 years ago

Yeah, but I actually like Leo—-IF they would make him a “good” guy. He’s so funny!

2 years ago

Why can’t things go well for Chad and Abby? I don’t want Abby to leave the show.

Eileen Murray
Eileen Murray
2 years ago
Reply to  Phyllis

Me, either! She is my fav Abigail character and there is no reason that they couldn’t have temporarily replaced her and then brought her back when she and if she wanted to come back. I really understand about being home with her new baby, though. On a smaller scale, I quit a wonderful job to be a stay at home Mother.
Another thing, unless Melissa Reeves is ill (God forbid) or just really needs to be off the show right now, I sincerely hope she comes back. It’s not the same without her playing Jennifer.

2 years ago

Get rid of Guen. She is disgusting.i have been watching day since the first day. But getting close to giving it up. Pushing to many gay couples. I have nothing against gay people but don’t push it on people. Abigail should have been replaced.

2 years ago

Oh No! I Love Abigail! Too bad they didn’t kill off Jan

2 years ago

I was hoping Leo would try to kill Abigail and she would get the better of him and he would be gone from Days forever.

2 years ago

That is horrible to kill her off. Could have replaced her with someone else. Like you do with others, and what other shows do also.

K. Smith
K. Smith
2 years ago

She will be missed! I really liked her character! (Though I will say that even though Gwen deserved it, Abigail stomping on Gwen’s gift was a tad too mean for Abigail.)

2 years ago

That sucks – I will cease watching this soap – Marci Miller is so beautiful to have them kill her off so violently and tragically

2 years ago

Kill off Jan and leave Abigail and Chad alone.!

Ruth Hooks
Ruth Hooks
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


2 years ago

YAAAAAY!!!!! Absolutely could not stand Abigail! Such a hypocrite! Too bad Chad didn’t get killed off too.

2 years ago

Really aren’t there unemployed actresses that could take her place? Tired of killing people off and resurrecting them.

2 years ago

Abigail has always been selfish, only thinking of herself. And she was mean-spirited. Glad to be rid of this spoiled brat. And hope whoever killed her gets away with it.

Sue Scolli
Sue Scolli
2 years ago

Again another happy couple gone, god forbid we have happy young couples. Writers need to stop this and let viewers see some kind of happiness and stability on this show. Still need drama but there are other kinds. My two cents.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sue Scolli

It’s getting so the really good couples and old characters that will be missed are being done away with. I will only watch until I see who killed Abby

2 years ago

I am really disappointed that are killing her off.

2 years ago

I don’t like Abby being killed off the show at all! I know a lot of the characters have a way of coming back to life but I think the writers should have recast her character. So what if both of the actresses that played Abby didn’t want to play the part full time. Look at the character Adam Newman on Y&R has been recast at least three times that I know of. It might take the fans a while to get used to that person playing that part but we always do. Please don’t write out the character of Abby, let them have her on life support in secret so the killer will think they have gotten away with murdering her and that will give the writers time to recast that character. And it will still be a who-dun-it for the summer.

Ruth Hooks
Ruth Hooks
2 years ago
Reply to  Erma

I agree!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Erma

Very good idea. The writers could use you. Hope they do something like this.

2 years ago

I am horribly sad. Marci Miller is my favorite, and I am so sad for Chad… But keeping myself in the real world, I am happy for Marci. I am not sure Abagail would be the same with a third actress playing her.

Barbara Gatlin
Barbara Gatlin
2 years ago
Reply to  Mel

You could have replaced her The picture now is gonna be boring You gonna lose a lot of people that were watching it The show is just messed up

2 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Gatlin

I agree, replace Abigail’s character with another actress. She should not be killed off DOOL!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes. Abigail, as played by Marci, is our favorite character. She plays Abby with such heart and soul and depth. But replacing her is way better than killing her off. The writers need to do what they supposedly do best: write! No more overly resuscitated story lines (masks, the devil, etc.). Respect the fans, stop “phoning the writing in from the Hamptons,” and write! And keep Abby.

2 years ago

You should have replaced her and kept there story line going

Delores Robinson
Delores Robinson
2 years ago

I’m so happy for Marci putting her family first and I wish her well. I’m also so mad that the show killed Abby off! Can we have one happy family? You could have replaced her. I have watched this show since it started when I was a little kid and I’m sixty-seven so that’s a long time. I’m done now. Big mistake here.

Sybil Swanson
Sybil Swanson
2 years ago

I didn’t like what Abby did today to Gwen. Because Gwen was trying. Which is what their father wanted them to do. To be honest Abby, was being a DiMera b**ch. Saying that, no I didn’t want to see her leave. The writers, I feel, don’t take the children into consideration at all. I hope after all The Who done it is over. The show had found a wonderful replacement for Abby.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sybil Swanson

Are you for real? Gwen is a conniving monster. Abigail was right because Gwen was up to no good asking her to deliver that cup to Chad. Gwen had a motive behind her delivering that cup.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The cup was for Jack ( their dad) but I agree Gwen had a motive. I wish they would’ve just left Chad and Abigail alone. :(

2 years ago

You should have just put her in a coma, and pregnant. Still would have had a “who did it” theme, given Marci the time off to spend with her baby, and then maybe bring her back part time. At least then she would remain in the picture for future.

Sharon ouka
Sharon ouka
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree. She was o e of my favorites. With that said it is my last day watching Days!

Cynthia Garza
Cynthia Garza
2 years ago

I have disliked the way Marci plays this character ever since she joined Days. She comes off as a condescending, entitled mean girl. She makes me root for Gwen.

Doris wheeler
Doris wheeler
2 years ago

I think this is a bad idea. Abby and Chad were a dream couple and you have lost that now. I looked forward to days every day now I don’t care if I watch or not.
Chad and Abby were the new Tom and Alice Horton.
What a shame!!!

2 years ago

don’t like it Abby and Chad are a super couple. They need to be together on the show.

2 years ago

Yea…stupid move! Many people rooting her and Chad on, especially wanting to have a baby. I can think of so many more that should go, especially this Leo character. And how long are we going to have to deal with Jan or Gwen? I’d be happy to see them go. You’ve changed characters in the past in other actors/actresses…why not this time? I’m about fine with it all anyway. The whole “being possessed by the devil” kinda ruined it for me. Bring some new characters aboard and leave Abigail alone. Sheesh!

Just A Girl
Just A Girl
2 years ago

Certainly understand Marci wanting to be closer to home and her little girl, “Willie”, although we will really miss her! However, please don’t kill off “Abigail”. Can’t you find someone to play her—at least until “Willie” starts daycare or pre-school??? :) :) :)

2 years ago

I hate it!!!!!! I hope they bring one of the Abigail’s back!!!
This totally Sucks!!!!

2 years ago

I hate that idea I like Chas and Abby together they are a power couple. Don’t do it find another way. And I understand that she want to be close to her daughter.

Susan Rauner
Susan Rauner
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Abigail getting killed socks! SHE and had make a great pair. Marci has played the best Abigail….hope you think this over! I’ve been watching DOOL SINCE 1965….stay away from the devil and bring back a little more positive things. America needs more happiness in this show.

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Rauner

I know right. I have been watching it since 1968.

Ruth Hooks
Ruth Hooks
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Rauner

I know right! I have been watching since 1968.

DOOL Fan Since 1986 - Yes I've been watching since I was 6 years old!!!
DOOL Fan Since 1986 - Yes I've been watching since I was 6 years old!!!
2 years ago

I bet we find out it was Clyde Weston who murdered Abigail as some kind of revenge towards EJ and the fact EJ turned down his proposed drug operation.

Tim Whitney
Tim Whitney
2 years ago

Abigail has become our most beloved character on DOOL. Marci has played her with incredible heart and soul and depth. Amazing actor! Please, writers, do something worthy with Abby’s departure. Don’t rely on over-resuscitated story lines (masks, the devil et al.). Write! Do what your fans know you can do when not phoning in the tired stories from the Hamptons.

2 years ago

I hate it!

2 years ago

Quit watching Days when the “devil/possessed” storyline came back. All the kidnappings, killings, drugged storylines got really boring….

2 years ago

I am so tired of everyone getting killed off the show. You just start getting into a story line and one of the characters gets killed off. Time for the writers to just replace her and let the story continue. Not everyone likes the who done it story line every other week.

2 years ago

I think the writers should replace Abigail’s character. It’s getting really boring to watch Days these days. The devil story was so far out there. Chad and Abigail are the super couple. Leave well enough alone. Why dont the writers do something about the Jan character.

Guess Who
Guess Who
2 years ago

I liked Kate Mansi, and I wish she would come back to the show. All that possession crap was a bit much. I would like Jan Spears leave the show. I really hope Shawn, and Belle can work things out.

2 years ago

Im so upset, I think they could of found a new Abigail

Stacey Sharp
Stacey Sharp
2 years ago

I’m not watching the show anymore since they killed Abby off and Tripp is leaving this makes me so mad I have watched this show all my life but no more

2 years ago

Always the good ones die, why? There’s just so much evil and drama on Day’s. I think I’ll take a break from it.

2 years ago

Big mistake

2 years ago

I don’t think Abigail should be taken of the story hang on to the long time actors that we enjoy watching everyday

2 years ago

Coming after the tar fetched devil scenes – I’m done. Been watching for 40 years and it’s all the same story over and over. I think you should have ended Days about 4 years ago.

2 years ago

I have watched days since the beginning when I was a child. Deaths come alot. then they are alive again, and then they die again. NORMAL STUFF. I love the drama. Billy Flynn, (CHAD) is from Minnesota, as am I. He is great. I want to see him become fiercer as a dimera. Abigail kept him grounded. Maybe he will go off the rails. LOVE THE SHOW.

2 years ago

I don’t like Marci leaving but it is her choice. I don’t like her dying in case she wants to come back some day. They are going to have to find a really good actress to play Chad’s love interest so the audience accepts her. Chad’s role has been a little boring as of late so I hope they give him a great story line.

2 years ago

I don’t like that Abby is leaving and how she was killed off. I Love Abigail and Chad! Omg Sad she is leaving ?.I hope somehow Abigail makes a return and play the role very well because I like Chad and hope his role remains.

2 years ago

No do not kill her off let her and Chad leave the show together to live elsewhere

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I love Abby not Gwen and Jan both of them need to go leave Abby and Belle alone both are good

2 years ago

Really I love Abby than Gwen and Leo should be out of this show

Valerie R Bailey
Valerie R Bailey
2 years ago

? Bummer! Loved Abigail! Wish Gwen and Leo were gone. Warped characters! Enjoy life Marci! ?

Barbara Mason
Barbara Mason
2 years ago

I’m so sad to hear this news. Her character will be missed.

2 years ago

Absolutely done with this show . Stopped watching when the devil storyline was on because it was so ridiculous. Now Abigail ! Enough.