Tonight marks a brand new episode of Wife Swap on Paramount Network and it’s going to be a doozy. It’s Villalpando vs. Price, and these two families couldn’t be more different.
One family lives in a trailer, ride motorcycles and believes that housework is women’s work. The other is a bit more progressive and the husband stays home to take care of the house and kids while his wife, a social media influencer, works.
The synopsis for the episode airing on Feb. 27 says, “The subservient wife of a badass biker who believes men should be waited on hand and foot swaps lives with a progressive social media influencer whose husband takes care of the house and kids.”
So when Kevin cooks dinner and serves it to Keri on Wife Swap, it’s pretty clear that she’s not going to like it.
Kevin serves up a vegan dinner
Not only is Keri not vegan, but she also has a huge problem with eating a meal prepared by a man.
And as Kevin points out, how does she eat at restaurants then? There’s no telling who is putting food together when you go out.
So when Kevin hands Keri a plate full of vegan food, it’s a recipe for disaster.
“Not gonna lie, I’ve never ate a man’s cooking before,” Keri says with a turned up nose as she examines a forkful of vegan mac n’ cheese.
But when she takes a bite of the vegan hot dog, Keri just can’t take it. She spits it right out, exclaiming, “Oh God! Gross! It’s dry.”
Then, in her green screen interview, Keri says, “I don’t know how they do this. It’s horrible.
Not a real man
According to Keri, Kevin is not a real man because he cooks, cleans and takes care of the children while the wife works. She doesn’t seem entirely convinced that what Keaira does is actually work though.
Then again, it’s not really clear what Keri’s husband does for work either and so far, all we know about him is that he’s perfectly happy sitting back with a cold drink while the woman cleans, cooks and even does some of the yard work.
It’s clear that the Villalpando and Price families are about as different as different can be.
Watch our exclusive Wife Swap sneak peek to see just how different Kevin and Keri are when he tries to serve her dinner and tune in to see if these two families can even stick it out.
Wife Swap airs Thursdays at 9/8c on Paramount Network.