At this point, it’s no secret that Safaree Samuels and Erica Mena are no longer together. In fact, most Love & Hip Hop fans weren’t even surprised to learn that their love (and marriage) didn’t last.
But now, we’re all watching Safaree and Erica’s marriage fall apart as they give us one last hurrah on Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, and it may be an end to Safaree’s run on the series as well.
Safaree Samuels and Erica Mena’s struggles play out on LHHATL
As LHHATL viewers saw, Safaree really wanted a son. He explained that he already had a daughter and since all his nieces are girls, he’s the only man in the family.
He wants a son to carry on his family name.
Naturally, he and Erica managed to argue about that because she was upset he wasn’t more concerned with her having a healthy pregnancy and them having another healthy baby, regardless of whether it’s a boy or girl.
Then, when Erica finally (and unceremoniously) revealed he was actually getting exactly what he wanted, it was overshadowed by their baby girl Safire falling down and bumping her head.
As the little girl screamed, Safaree let out a chuckle and Erica lost her cool. “Safaree, pick her up you freaking idiot,” Erica exclaimed during a scene that Safaree now says they asked Love & Hip Hop producers not to air.
Take a look at the scene below.
Safaree Samuels blasts Love & Hip Hop ‘editors,’ threatens to quit
After watching the scene play out, Safaree was understandably upset. He took to Twitter to blast the Love & Hip Hop editors for including a scene that they asked to be left on the cutting room floor and for making things look different than what they really were.
He wrote, “That was tacky and tasteless!! It’s definitely about to be a wrap on my time with y’all. Y’all be wanting too much of ppl time to be doin dat type of wack s**t!! We filmed a hr long convo for that scene and y’all chop it to 3 mins and use that and make it a focal point. Weak.”

Safaree continued his rant, calling out the crew behind Love & Hip Hop.
He wrote, And y’all LHH editors ain’t s**t. we told y’all not to air my baby falling and y’all still used it. Had us reshoot a whole bunch of bulls**t and y’all stil used that. Y’all don’t have no respect, because that was not my response of me finding out I was having a boy!”

We’re guessing that Safaree was a lot more excited to learn that he was having a son than what we got to see on the latest episode of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta.
Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta airs on Mondays at 8/7c on VH1.