Jo and Vee disagree about custody of Isaac on Teen Mom 2

This week on Teen Mom 2, Vee Torres pushes Jo Rivera to aim for increased sharing of Isaac with his mom Kailyn Lowry. Isaac is starting school and Jo is pretty happy with the way things are with Kailyn as he can see his son pretty much any time he wants. However, his fiancé Vee is


Tiffany puts Sky in hospital on Black Ink Crew

This week on Black Ink Crew, things kick off 113th when Sky and Tiffany get in a fight. Things between Sky and Tiffany have been really tense since Sky snitched to Dutchess about what Tiffany had said about her. However, they take a turn for the worse as Sky is lectruing everyone on team work

Gabe and Bear go deer hunting on Alaskan Bush People…in WAR PAINT

Winter’s coming on this week’s Alaskan Bush People and it’s time to stock up before food becomes scarce. Enter Gabe and Bear, who team up to go hunt some deer on this week’s episode at the request of patriarch Billy. Snow has fallen on the tops of the nearby mountains and it won’t be long

Jenelle finally tells Barbara and Jace she’s pregnant on Teen Mom 2

This week on Teen Mom 2, Jenelle finally tells mum Barbara and son Jace what Barb had already guessed last week – that she’s pregnant. Jenelle has been coy about her pregnancy right from the start, even denying to one of the show’s producers that she was having another child. However, just about everybody guessed she

Could Alaskan Bush People be a Bam down?

This week on Alaskan Bush People, the family finish their run across open water and Bam has some surprising news. Last week the family took a hazardous trip across some rough water but this week the waves are closer to home. Bam has met a woman down in the Lower 48 and he announces to his folks

Javi and Kailyn’s problems upset Isaac on Teen Mom 2

This week on Teen Mom 2, Isaac’s dad Jo has to explain to him what is happening with his mom and Javi. Javi and Kailyn might be over but Isaac still loves Javi and want to see him. Somewhat selflessly, his dad and Kailyn’s ex, Jo explains to him that Javi is not going to

Batten down the hatches as Alaskan Bush People take to rough seas

On this week’s episode of Alaskan Bush People, the Browns attempt a voyage to Port Alexander in some rough weather. The Brown’s boat, Integrity, is starting to show her age and with the battering the boat has taken over the years it is a wonder she still floats at all. This week the family decide

Miss Kitty gets jumped and Ted installs stripper pole on Black Ink Crew

This week on Black Ink Crew, 113th is heading down fast with Ted at the controls as Kitty gets jumped. Kitty tells Ceaser that she was jumped by one of the girls hired by Ted. Kitty and her got into argument before things got physical and a few of the girl’s friends joined in. Needless