
LPBW spoiler: Amy and Matt Roloff get into heated argument over sale of the farm

Matt and Amy Roloff of LPBW
Selling the farm is a sore subject between Matt and Amy Roloff. Pic credit: TLC

During the July 19 episode of Little People, Big World, things get awfully tense between exes Matt and Amy Roloff when they discuss selling the farm.

Matt decided to list 16 acres for sale on the north side of Roloff Farms, as Monsters and Critics previously reported, which included the farmhouse where he and Amy raised their four kids, and where Amy lived for a few years following their divorce.

This season on LPBW, the factors leading up to Matt’s decision to sell the farm are currently playing out, and it’s a topic of contention among the Roloff family.

In a sneak peek at Tuesday’s episode, Amy and Matt get into a heated argument while discussing selling the farm, something with which Amy doesn’t agree.

“It’s sad that it really ended up the way it did because, I don’t know, there’s just a lot of stress, there’s a lot of sadness, there’s a lot of like, ‘What in the world did you do? Like, what happened? How did we get here?'” Amy confessed.

During the next scene, Amy and Matt meet up at the farm where she tells her ex-husband that she’s “sad” none of their kids inherited the farm, telling him she thinks he “went crazy or something.”

LPBW exes Matt and Amy Roloff get into heated argument over selling the farm

Amy expressed to Matt that his listing price of $4 million was way out of their sons Jeremy and Zach’s price range, but Matt claimed there was a discounted family price that the boys were offered.

Matt claimed that Jeremy and Zach were disinterested in purchasing the north side of the farm after he shrunk the property size. But in Matt’s mind, he had to consider all four of his and Amy’s kids and what’s fair.

According to Matt, his idea to sell a portion of the farm wasn’t all bad. He told Amy, “You know what the good news is? There’s 93 acres in this family.”

Amy strongly disagreed and fired back, “No… there’s 93 acres for Matt Roloff. It’s not part of the family anymore,” silencing Matt.

Matt on Jeremy or Zach buying the farm: ‘The fit wasn’t quite right’

Amy continued to harp on Matt, telling him that he set up false hopes for the kids: “Growing up you created this image in them and unfortunately, that’s a lot harder to let go because it’s inbred. It’s part of, you know, who they are.”

Matt had a different way of looking at things, however. He told Amy, “I expected the kids to, you know, not take entitlement, but to, you know, start working for it.”

When Amy began to fire back with, “But Matt, you’ve got to understand…” Matt mocked her, repeating it back to her in a condescending tone.

Matt held firm on his stance and during another confessional, claiming he offered the farm to the kids for “basically half off,” his idea of a “family discount.” In the end, Matt says he’s glad his kids decided not to purchase the farm because in his mind, “the fit wasn’t quite right.”

Matt implied that the farm wouldn’t have been properly taken care of had one of his sons purchased it, leaving him with even more responsibility than he already has.

Be sure to tune in Tuesday night to watch Matt and Amy’s heated feud unfold.

Little People, Big World airs on Tuesdays at 9/8c on TLC and Discovery Plus.

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2 years ago

Why didn’t Big Mouth Amy give her half to Zach??????She took her money and went on to a easy life and they all think Matt should keep the farm for them to come to when they want to but he can do all the work and use his money Good Lord there is plenty of places to take your kids it don’t have to be just this farm.

2 years ago
Reply to  Barb.

No one, not even kids, are entitled to what a parent built up. Amy could have easily given her portion to the kids, but like always, she wants what she wants, and expects Matt to give up what’s his

2 years ago

Matt has always been a greedy narcissist. Everything is about him. Control and ego.