
Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine exclusive: Virgin soil yields rich gold at remote claim

Dave Turin
The very moment Dave Turin pans his first pan and finds gold in it. Pic credit: Discovery

The best gold is the gold not found yet, and on tonight’s Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine, Dave and Juan Ibarra are freezing their butts off walking an old gold mine and trying to figure out exactly where the untouched gold is left after the old miners of yore abandoned the property.

It’s exciting and the exclusive clip below shows Ibarra and Turin finding gold in the first pan of the virgin soil not yet frozen.

For those new to the series, Dave Turin is a legend that hails from the original Gold Rush that airs on Discovery.

Dave Turin, aka “Dozer Dave,” has a solid background with the Gold Rush franchise, beginning as a member of the Todd Hoffman Crew.

Hoffman is no longer part of the core cast of Gold Rush. During the second season, Turin was hired as a full-time miner with the Hoffman crew at the Quartz Creek Claim. By the eighth season, Turin had left the series.

Turin’s series is in its second year and it heads to America’s oldest abandoned mine sites in the hopes of discovering a potential payday of pay dirt still loaded with gold. Dave Turin’s Lost Mine is set in Montana. Juan Ibarra is part of his crew.

Dave Turin
The very moment Dave Turin pans his first pan and finds gold in it. Pic credit: Discovery

What happens on Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mines?

Dave Turin and gold mining veteran Juan Ibarra are walking an old abandoned mine in the snow. It is cold and they are trying to recreate what the gold mine was like for the old-timers.

And Dave can feel their spirits lingering still in the eerie quiet of the hundred-year-old claim.

Juan asks Dave: “Any idea how far up they went?”

Dave is surveying the land and says: “I’m just trying to find some virgin ground, here… the best gold was right up the middle and they got it even this far out in the bush.”

He is now pensive, and says: “I’m haunted by the old-timers.”

He directs Juan to dig in an area likely never touched and says: “So one, I’m just thinking…[he ponts] looking at this I don’t think this was worked, these have been here a long time. That’s virgin ground.”

The action in the clip reveals one filled pan that Dave takes to a stream with Juan to pan out. And the news is good.

Dave says: “What the hell? You see that? New gold!”

In the episode, Chris also makes an incredible discovery that sets Team Turin up on the best gold discovery all season.

And as winter starts to get real and the snow comes, Dave gets a hot tip that takes him 2,500 miles north to a mine where he will pan the biggest nugget of his career.

Make sure to tune in tonight for this whopper gold discovery.

This is Discovery Channel’s first franchise multi-platform series. The mid-form series will chronicle Dave’s search and will air on the Discovery GO platform, which is free to viewers with their cable subscription.

Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine airs Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Discovery Channel.

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