
Big Brother 26 spoilers: Who goes home in Week 4?

Angela On BB26
Angela Murray was the first BB26 cast member to be HOH twice. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 26 spoilers now reveal which houseguest is about to go home.

There had been some debate about the target following the Veto Meeting, but the houseguests are clear on their direction.

Angela Murray was the Head of Household this week – the second time she has been in charge this summer.

Angela had different targets and secured an alliance with Tucker Des Lauriers.

But Quinn Martin took that power from her when he became the Deepfake HOH. He then nominated Tucker, Makensy Manbeck, and Cedric Hodges for eviction.

Quinn wanted to get Tucker out, which is why Cedric agreed to be a pawn and help Quinn out. The plan didn’t work.

Tucker won the Power of Veto and didn’t play games at the Week 4 Veto Meeting. Tucker saved himself. AI Angela (controlled by Quinn) named Rubina Bernabe as the replacement.

Who is going home in Week 4 on Big Brother 26?

The final nominees are Cedric, Makensy, and Rubina. But Cedric is working with everyone else who isn’t named Tucker and Angela. He’s safe no matter what.

Cedric will try to win the AI Arena Challenge on August 15, but he doesn’t need to. No surprise votes are coming.

The Big Brother Live Feeds revealed that Makensy is the primary target. Unless something shocking happens in the final hours before the vote, Makensy is the target. She has to win the AI Arena Challenge or go home.

If Makensy wins the challenge on August 15, she is safe. Rubina goes home in that scenario.

Cedric, Makensy, and Rubina all know what will happen on Thursday night.

Having a one-sided vote could make the episode boring for some fans, but it underscores the stakes for the AI Arena Challenge.

UPDATE: Live Feeds chaos on Thursday may lead to a blindside now! Here are the chaotic BB26 details.

More from the Big Brother house

A special Tuesday episode revealed an upcoming twist. Or rather, part of a twist, as fans were upset it didn’t get explained further.

We will learn more about that twist during the August 15 episode.

Here’s some more house footage of the new BB26 showmance. Tucker and Rubina have worked to keep it a secret, but that hasn’t been successful.

The BB26 cast has been in a gross prank war. It included some drinks getting spiked in the refrigerator.

Here’s the rest of the August BB26 schedule. Some important episodes are coming.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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