Big Brother 26 spoilers from the weekend hint at some chaotic days to come.
The Live Feeds have been busy over the past few days, even as some fans get frustrated from seeing the adoptable cats too often.
Tucker Des Lauriers is the Week 5 Head of Household, having grabbed that power by winning an Endurance Challenge.
Here are the full results for the BB26 Wall Comp, which fans had been very excited to watch live.
Unfortunately, the Wall Comp wasn’t as excited as viewers had hoped, and it might go down as one of the worst the show has had. It even ended in controversy.
Tucker nominated Brooklyn Rivera, Quinn Martin, and Cam Sullivan-Brown with his new-found power.
Brooklyn was the eviction target, with Cam as a backup and Quinn as a pawn. If Quinn could keep that secret, a deal was struck between Quinn and Tucker.
BB26 Week 5: Tucker wins another Power of Veto
Tucker won the Week 5 Veto Competition, securing his control over the nominees. However, the Power of Veto caused some drama.
Houseguests played a version of the Hide-And-Go-Veto challenge, where players hide their game pieces somewhere in the house. The Big Brother house then gets torn apart as people frantically search.
Tucker had his clothes ransacked, and after he won the challenge, he was on the warpath to figure out who did it. He blamed an innocent Quinn, but people came to his defense. From what we can piece together, it was Brooklyn who did it. Will she come clean? Will Tucker get over it? Stay tuned.
A houseguest scrambles and POV plans are made
Quinn was worried about becoming the target and went around trying to find support from his allies. He seems to have it, but Quinn may not have to be too concerned after Tucker cooled down.
Tucker said he is considering using the POV on Quinn and then naming Chelsie Baham as the replacement nominee. That would make the final nominees Chelsie, Cam, and Brooklyn. It would also strengthen an alliance Tucker made with Quinn.
Everyone on the block gets to play in the Week 5 AI Arena Challenge. It’s a last chance to get safety before the next eviction vote.
Tucker may keep the nominees the same if he wants to get Brooklyn out this week. She is in danger.
The Week 5 Veto Meeting takes place on Monday (August 19), and that’s when we will learn what Tucker ultimately decides.
More from the Big Brother house
Here are all the details on the BB26 Insitgator. Fans can still vote to get their favorite houseguest a special power.
The BB bosses addressed rumors of Angela being a plant. Many Big Brother fans have accused the show of using Angela to increase ratings and the producers have responded.
Angela also appeared on Let’s Make A Deal before arriving at the Big Brother house this summer.
Previous episodes of Big Brother are streaming on Paramount+.
Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.
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