
Big Brother 26: America’s Favorite Houseguest candidates

Quinn Smile BB26
Quinn Martin is part of the Big Brother 26 cast. Pic credit: CBS

Who will win America’s Favorite Houseguest from the Big Brother 26 cast?

The question of popularity is an interesting one this summer, as one of the houseguests talked about the most might share an equal number of fans from casual viewers and on social media.

Angela Murray is the most talked about houseguest from this summer – not for good gameplay, but for antics that have served her well.

Angela has been able to sidestep being the biggest target due to a feud between Tucker Des Lauriers and Quinn Martin.

With Tucker and Quinn battling and houseguests forced to choose sides, she has become less of a target.

Meanwhile, Tucker is gaining in popularity due to how interesting he has made the show. Blowing up his own game, winning the Power of Veto but using it on someone else (Angela), and his chaotic gameplay may have made him a fan favorite.

Examining the favorites to win America’s Favorite Houseguest on BB26

AFH is a title voted on by the fans each season. The fans are given control of a (now) $50,000 prize and a favorite player is selected during the season’s final week.

Recent AFH winners have been Cameron Hardin (BB25), Taylor Hale (BB24), Tiffany Mitchell (BB23), Da’Vonne Rogers (BB22), and Nicole Anthony (BB21).

Though still early in the Summer 2024 season, Tucker leads nearly every online popularity poll. His gameplay may be messy, but he has made BB26 fun and exciting.

If Tucker can play well in or win an upcoming Endurance Challenge, he could enamor himself with even more fans.

More BB26 candidates to win AFH

As we mentioned, it’s still very early in the season. Things can shift on a dime with big game moves, competition wins, and lasting deep into the season.

Additional popular players (according to early polls) are Cedric Hodges, Rubina Bernabe, Makensy Manbeck, and T’Kor Clottey.

Various other houseguests have bounced around and appeared near the top but later fell, including Kenney Kelley, who endeared himself with many fans until he (daily) talked about quitting on the Live Feeds. Kenney was even third in a recent BBN poll.

It would also be a mistake to count out Angela. For every fan who dislikes her gameplay, there is another fan who loves it when Big Brother gets messy.

Take, for example, the recent popularity poll below. Tucker and T’Kor were the leaders, but Angela finished in third.

More from the Big Brother house

Much more is coming on Big Brother 26, including the Instigator twist. The popularity polls could shift again as the BB26 jury begins forming.

Stay tuned because things could get very interesting when the Endurance Challenges begin rolling out.

Elsewhere, the BB26 cast has been pulling some gross pranks. It led to some interesting content on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

More footage of the latest BB26 showmance was also revealed. They are trying to stay below the radar, but the Live Feeds keep outing them.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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N. Kershaw
N. Kershaw
6 months ago

Tuesday 8/13/24 show was a waste of my time.