
Below Deck Med fans sound off on ‘drama queens’ Kyle Viljoen and Natalya Scudder

Kyle Viljoen and Natalya Scudder on Below Deck Med Season 8
The Kyle and Natalya drama is ruining Below Deck Med Season 8. Pic credit: Bravo

Below Deck Med fans are over all the Season 8 drama, especially the chaos that Natalya Scudder and Kyle Viljoen are bringing to the yacht.

It’s been a rollercoaster ride of a season that has seen both Natalya and Kyle stirring the pot during their second time on the show.

However, the most recent episode has pushed Below Deck Med viewers over the edge.

Kyle and Natalya each tried to convince Jessika Asai the other one was causing problems for the interior crew.

Not only that, but they went at it in the crew mess after a night out, with a drunken Kyle going off.

Now, Below Deck Med fans are going off about the two making Season 8 hard to watch.

Below Deck Med fans sound off on ‘drama queens’ Kyle Viljoen and Natalya Scudder

After the recent episode, X (formerly Twitter) was on fire with opinions coming for Natalya and Kyle.

“Natalya and Kyle are drama queens. But Natalya has been so disrespectful to Tumi all season that I’m on Kyle’s side tonight.” read a tweet.

Another user shared that Kyle and Natalya each stir the pot and are not good for a cohesive work environment.

A different user can’t decide who is worse between the two stews.

“How is Jessika not realizing that Kyle & Natalya are manipulating the conversation to make tense situations???” said a tweet.

There was one that suggested it’s time for them to be done with Below Deck Med.

One tweet even lumped Captain Sandy Yawn in with Natalya and Kyle, making it clear they are all toxic people.

“Kate Chastain would never put up with this foolishness.” wrote a Twitter user.

More Below Deck Med fans are over Natalya Scudder and Kyle Viljoen

Many of the tweets were taking aim at Kyle or Natalya separating as opposed to lumping them together.

“This is what a grown adult throwing a temper tantrum looks like,” read a tweet with a picture of Kyle on the floor crying from when he had his meltdown on the episode.

A different tweet targeted Natalya for being miserable while also getting a pass from some Below Deck Med fans.

Despite Below Deck Med fans being over Kyle Viljoen and Natalya Scudder, the drama between these two is far from over.

As Monsters and Critics previously reported, Natalya called him out at BravoCon, which had Below Deck Sailing Yacht star Daisy Kelliher defending him.

Season 8 of Below Deck Med has just reached the halfway point, so fans shouldn’t expect the toxicity to change. Unless, of course, Natalya or Kyle happens to leave.

Keep watching to find out if that happens or if it’s more of the same for the rest of the season.

Are you Team Kyle, Team Nat, or Team neither?

Below Deck Med airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo. Seasons 1-7 are streaming on Peacock.

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