Big Ed and Liz came to the 90 Day: The Single Life Tell All after breaking up a month before, and all their relationship drama was laid out. Their fellow cast members also had the opportunity to give their opinions.
The inner workings of their relationship were put on blast and they each had a chance to explain their side of the story of what went wrong.
Ed’s mom and daughter also had a chance to weigh in on Big Ed’s relationship with Liz, and they had some harsh feedback too.
What happened between Ed and Liz?
Liz explained that Ed rushed their relationship and always threatened to leave her if she didn’t give in to his wishes, so she felt like if she didn’t go at his pace she was going to lose him. She explained that she felt conditioned by Ed, so she caved, but it wasn’t enough for him.
She went on to say that a couple of days after their final breakup, he blocked her and went to Vegas and posted a photo with young women. He said he was trying to fill his emptiness, admitted that he “is a d*** and that he’s now in therapy.
Liz said Ed texted her that he was going to take girls out constantly until he finds the one. Liz also said that they have different love languages, they would drink and fight, and he would tell her to leave, which only added to their issues.
In a strange turn of events that the rest of the cast didn’t see coming, Ed and Liz shared a moment while talking to each other away from the spotlight. The cameras were rolling, and both said “I love you” and talked about how they missed each other.

The cast and Ed’s family didn’t take his side
Molly’s boyfriend, Kelly, summarized Liz’s feelings when he said, “Ed broke her down to be the way he wanted, and then he didn’t want it.”
Colt also popped off at Ed and called him out for always making excuses for his actions and said that his therapy talk was just a cop-out.
Fernanda chimed in when the group was talking about Ed not actually wanting a girlfriend but actually wanting to live a different bachelor lifestyle. Fernanda said if he wanted to go out with multiple women that’s fine, he just needed to figure out what he wants.
Ed’s mom, Norma, and daughter, Tiffany, were brought on the Tell All to give their opinion on Ed and Liz and they both shared a genuine concern that he dates women that are too young for him.
Tiffany, Ed, and Liz talked about what really happened in Las Vegas, and it ended with Ed claiming the fault and admitting he was wrong.
More will be revealed during Part 2 of the Tell All next week when Big Ed and Liz talk about the possibility of getting back together.
90 Day: The Single Life is currently streaming on Discovery+.