Pyrite blues: Dustin’s five-hour dive yields zero gold on Gold Rush: White Water

Dustin Hurst on Gold Rush: White Water
An exhausted Dustin Hurt after his five-hour dive on Gold Rush: White Water

A lot of gravel and what appears to be quality rock real estate is traveling through Gold Rush: White Water’s sluice box tonight — but there’s a problem.

Rather than real gold it’s the mineral Pyrite, aka fool’s gold, that is turning up and proving a total let-down for the guys.

Dustin Hurt, to be frank, worked his butt off for a whole lot of nothing. Carlos and Paul are psyched at the amount of quality paydirt Dustin has sucked up with the underwater dredge, but it’s short-lived.

In Monsters and Critics’ exclusive clip it’s “diver up” time as Paul and Carlos pull up Dustin following a five-hour underwater dive.

Dustin has dredged two feet down and pumped 15 yards of gravel through the sluice box, and Carlos is geeking out at what he thinks might be gold sitting in the sluice box.

Pointing at a shiny gold-like rock, he says: “That looks like something, that looks like a big friggin’ nugget.” Barely containing his excitement he adds: “It looks beautiful, dude! Is it a nugget or what?”

“I hope there’s gold in this stuff, man,” says Paul. “I see colors…”

Paul examines the shiny nugget that Carlos spotted in the sluice box

This perks up Dustin and gets his hopes up as he watches the pair, saying: “Good. Paul’s got a big smile on his face so maybe he sees gold.”

But his hopes are dashed when Paul ends his and Carlos’s optimistic dreams for this particular paydirt run, confirming that the shiny stuff is, in fact, Pyrite. “See how it’s in little cubes? People in the old days got tricked by that stuff,” he says.

Carlos asks: “See anything in there, Paul? Hoping to see some nuggets man.” But he gets a big fat “no” in response..

Dustin’s arduous dive has yielded zero gold. But all is not lost, however, as we learn that Pyrite is a good sign you’re close to the real thing…

Gold Rush: White Water airs Friday at 9 PM on Discovery.

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