Last night’s episode of Outlander finally saw Roger (Richard Rankin) and Brianna (Sophie Skelton) take the plunge and do some time-traveling. But where did they end up?
Roger and Brianna have already discussed wanting to travel back to their original time but were patient to make sure that young Jemmy would be able to accompany them.
And in this episode, we find Jemmy playing with the deceased, time-traveling Otter Tooth’s opal when it cracks and burns his hand.
Bree and Roger now realize that the young one has inherited the time-traveling genes; in fact, he’s got a double dose from both his parents.
It also means, Brianna stresses, that he’s Roger’s son and not Stephen Bonnet’s.
So what time did Brianna and Roger want to travel to?
This meant, as far as Roger and Brianna were concerned, there was no longer any point in hanging around. They were going to travel through the stones, hopefully back to their time period. The pair were both born in the 1940s, so they were aiming for the 20th Century.
Roger and Brianna then spent a large part of the episode saying their goodbyes to all at Fraser’s Ridge and telling everyone they’ were headed to Boston so that Roger can take up a teaching position.
Given his 1968 position as an Oxford don, this might not be too far from the truth. They could probably do worse to make a life for themselves in Brianna’s hometown in the 1960s.
Young Ian then helped Brianna, Roger and Jemmy travel to the standing stones and agreed to return their horses and look after their land once they’d time-traveled.
And where did Brianna and Roger end up?
The three then held their gems tightly and traveled through the stones. We next saw them waking up on the ground, the rope which held them together had broken, but thankfully they were still together.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t revealed where or when they ended up.
As the show is based on a series of novels written by Diana Gabaldon, it’s worth taking note of what happened to the characters in the books.
In the third book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, Brianna and Roger transport back to the 20th Century at the very end of the novel.
And at the beginning of the next installment, An Echo In The Bone, they are portrayed as being in Scotland.
Therefore if the show remains true to the novel series, then Brianna and Roger are now residing in their own time of 1960s Scotland.
Outlander airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on Starz.