
Nick Maccarone fired up, Big Brother 21 bullying becoming a problem?

Nick Maccarone BB21 Comp
Nick Maccarone has stirred up a lot of drama inside the Big Brother 21 house. Pic credit: CBS

Nick Maccarone has been fired up this week on the live feeds. The Big Brother 21 bullying has also gotten worse, according to subscribers and fans posting on social media. It all hints at an explosive few days coming up for the show.

On Wednesday night, producers showed the CBS audience who won the Power of Veto over the weekend. Kathryn Dunn secured the POV and saved Jessica Milagros from the block. As the Head of Household, Nick then put Nicole Anthony in her place.

While one takeaway from the episode was that either Cliff Hogg or Nicole Anthony is going to Camp Comeback on Thursday night, CBS viewers finally got to see a lot of the negative behavior that has transpired in the house over the past week.

Nick Maccarone fired up

Some of the anger issues that Nick has had in the Big Brother house were revealed on Wednesday night. That included belittling Nicole and causing quite a stir in the HOH Room. Those weren’t the only incidents that Nick has been involved in this summer.

Late Tuesday evening, Nick was seen on the live feeds cussing out Kemi Fakunle. He was also seen stating that he was going to “literally” spit between her eyes when he got the chance.

It was shocking to a lot of subscribers, but maybe it was worse that Tommy Bracco, Sam Smith, and Christie Murphy were in the conversation and they didn’t tell him to not do it. Nick didn’t end up spitting on Kemi, but may fans are posting on social media that it continued a trend of bullying in the house.

Big Brother 21 bullying

There is a growing list of behaviors and actions undertaken by Jack Matthews, Jackson Miches, and Nick Maccarone that would and could be considered bullying by a lot of people. It’s almost like a trend now, where someone gets bullied and then gets evicted. David Alexander, Ovi Kabir, and Kemi Kakunle have all experienced it. Is this foreshadowing that Nicole Anthony is about to get evicted next?

There is also an online backlash from former houseguests who really dislike what people within the nine-person alliance are doing this season. It has even led to a lot of people calling the main alliance The Hateful 8. That eight-person alliance includes Bella Wang, Analyse Talavera, and Holly Allen. Sam Smith is considered its ninth member.

It will be very interesting to see if host Julie Chen has any biting comments during the Thursday night show. She will certainly be addressing the house, but things are typically civil on eviction night. Could that change following the Camp Comeback Challenge?

Big Brother 21 airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays this summer.

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