Big Brother 20 spoilers: Did Tyler Crispen and Angela Rummans become ‘Tangela’?

Angela and Tyler in the Big Brother 20 house
Tyler and Angela like each other on Big Brother 20

Big Brother 20 has been showmance central. While Bayleigh and Swaggy or as they are loving dubbed, “Swayleigh” were out in the open, Faysal and Haleigh haven’t exactly made it official. If you think that’s it, you haven’t been watching the feeds or Big Brother too closely.

Tyler Crispen and Angela Rummans have something good going on. Initially, he was scared that she mentioned she is from where he is from, thinking that would put a target on their backs. So far, they have been moving through the Big Brother game with ease.

The last few weeks, things have been getting hot between Tyler and Angela. The two have connected since becoming part of Level 6 (now 4).

Talk on Twitter has emerged about how the two are definitely interested in one another, something they have both discussed in diary room sessions.

Tyler has been careful to keep his mind focused on the game. He knows Big Brother in and out and now, and he vowed not to let his BB20 crush mess with his game.

As far as how this will go outside of the Big Brother house, no one knows. They have both confirmed they like each other and apparently, there have been some moves made. Tyler reportedly asked her to go out with him after the show.

Is “Tangela” (Tyler and Angela) the newest showmance to get going?

So far, the lovebirds have been able to hide the early stages of their BB20 showmance from the rest of the houseguests. But with how excited Tyler was to get some alone time with Angela in the HoH room, the secret isn’t going to stay hidden long.

Big Brother fans are definitely talking about this new Big Brother 20 showmance, especially on social media. But will BB20 viewers really like seeing Tyler hook up with Angela, knowing how cut-throat she can be? Will it mess up his game?

Big Brother airs Sunday and Wednesday nights at 8/7c and Thursday night at 9/8c on CBS.

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