20/20 on ABC News spotlights the heroes of Las Vegas mass shooting

This week ABC News is showing a special edition of 20/20 features the many heroes who helped others during the terrible mass shooting at the Route 91 country music festival last Sunday.

20/20 gives a detailed account of each minute leading up to the shootings as total stranger’s lives converged and were changed forever when one man decided to rain death on innocent concertgoers from above.

For reasons as yet unknown, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, a wealthy retired accountant, decided to try and kill as many people as possible using the formidable arsenal of weapons he had moved to his hotel room.

The show features interviews with first responders who were faced with a scene unlike anything they had come across before with so many dead or badly injured. There are also eyewitness accounts and testimony from victims who were lucky enough to survive their injuries.

One of striking things to come out in the aftermath of the massacre are the many stories of bravery and self-sacrifice as people tried to save lives other than their own.

20/20 Special airs at 10:01 PM ON ABC.


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