Love at First Kiss: Hapless Josh gets a sexy kissing COACH

Josh on Love at First Kiss
Josh manages to definitively NOT kiss on TLC’s Love at First Kiss, but tonight he gets a coach

On tonight’s Love at First Kiss on TLC, the hapless Josh gets a sexy kissing coach to help him learn how to smooch.

For those who didn’t watch the first episode of TLC’s cringe-enducing new singles show, Josh is 27 but had NEVER kissed a girl before appearing on the series.

The result is some of the most uncomfortable television you’re ever likely to see, from a man who up until this point has kissed no females apart from his mom and his grandma.

If you haven’t seen his attempts yet, you’re in luck.

How not to kiss 1: “It felt like I kissed his teeth.”

How not to kiss 2: I’ll just go for the hair

Love at First Kiss aims to pair singles who have never met before and see if sparks fly when they share a first kiss.

As you can imagine, Josh has not seen overwhelming success. But will he have more luck after being helped out by the sexy kissing coach on tonight’s episode, titled Two Tongue Tango?

Also on tonight’s show, Marie has outrageously high standards — but does that mean she’ll never find a match?

And when bad boy Layton and goodie two shoes Kat are paired up, will it end in some serious tongue-twisting, or disaster?

Watch Love at First Kiss tonight at 10/9c on TLC.

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