Blood sugar detecting pooch on Rescue Dog to Super Dog

Closeup of dog that is being trained to detect blood sugar levels
Rescue Dog to Super Dog with a nose for helping a diabetes sufferer

This week Rescue Dog to Super Dog, a dog with blood sugar level detecting abilities is required and a woman needs help around the house after losing an arm to cancer.

Tommy has type one diabetes and he really needs help with monitoring his blood sugar level. Making a mistake or failing to notice a change can result in confusion and even a coma. This is where Annie comes in and the goal is for Nate Schoemer and Tommy to train the dog to be able to detect when Tommy’s blood sugar levels are critical.

However, dog training is never simple and Tommy is finding that Annie is not taking him quite as seriously as she does Nate.

Also on this episode, Laura London is working hard to find a dog that can help cancer survivor Maxine. She’s lost an arm to the disease and could really do with some domestic help, you’d be surprised just how handy a smart dog can be!

Rescue Dog to Super Dog airs on Saturdays at 10:00 P.M. on Animal Planet.

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