
Big Brother spoilers: Who won Veto? What will happen next on BB21?

A Julie BB21 Host
Julie Chen Moonves as the Big Brother 21 host during summer 2019 season. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

Big Brother spoilers about who won the Veto this week are available. It could impact what happens at the upcoming Veto Ceremony as well as the Double Eviction night for the BB21 cast.

Jackson Michie won the Head of Household Competition late Thursday night and then he got to nominate two people for eviction. This time, Jackson nominated Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros.

Jackson and Holly Allen had decided they wouldn’t mind Christie or Jessica getting evicted this week and they always had the option to backdoor Tommy Bracco. Cliff Hogg also volunteered to be a replacement nominee if necessary.

On Saturday, Cliff, Tommy, and Nicole Anthony joined Jackson, Christie, and Jessica in the battle for the Power of Veto. This particular challenge was the Hide and Go Veto, where houseguests hide a Veto card and try to find where other houseguests hid theirs.

Big Brother spoilers: Who won Veto?

Tommy Bracco won the Golden Power of Veto. This seems to lead to an obvious conclusion that Tommy is going to save Christie from the block. Tommy already spoke with Jackson about this on Saturday evening.

Tommy didn’t reveal that he knows Christie outside of the house, but he did promise to vote the way that Jackson asks him to on Thursday night. It does also dictate that Jackson will have to name a replacement.

Live feed spoilers for Veto Ceremony

While things could change before the Monday Veto Ceremony, it appears that we already know what Jackson is going to do. Once Tommy uses the POV on Christie, Jackson will use Cliff as the replacement pawn.

At the next Eviction Ceremony, the two nominees should be Cliff and Jessica, with Jackson wanting the house to evict Jessica. Why he has targeted her so much is unclear, as she hasn’t been much of a threat in the game, but she is about to head to the BB21 jury.

Stay tuned, because there could be more Big Brother spoilers, especially if the fight between Jackson Michie and Holly Allen continues. What if Jackson gets so upset with Holly that he uses her as a replacement nominee? That would certainly shake things up.

Big Brother airs new CBS episodes on each Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night.

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