
Lauren LoGrasso exclusive: Rise singer-songwriter shares her secrets to success

Lauren Lograsso
Lauren LoGrasso debuts her second single, Rise. Pic credit: Lauren LoGrasso

Lauren LoGrasso is an inspiring woman. She’s a go-getter, and she gets things done.

As a multi-talented creative, Lauren has worked in Hollywood, executive producing podcasts for Goop, Maria Shriver, and Lauren Conrad, among others.

She is also an actress and a singer-songwriter with a powerful message.

Lauren LoGrasso moved from the midwest to Hollywood with big dreams. She got her start as an intern on The Ellen Show and landed her first acting role just weeks later.

But as many in Hollywood know, there’s way more to the entertainment business than just acting, and Lauren is a woman of many talents.

A spot hosting AfterBuzz TV led Lauren to her position as EP of Maria Menounos’ SiriusXM Show, Conversations with Maria Menounos, and a position as a host and producer on The Tomorrow Show with Keven Undergaro.

Now, Lauren LoGrasso works as the Executive Producer of Female Content for Cadence13.

She works on hit shows like Brené Brown’s chart-topping show Unlocking US, Lauren Conrad: Asking for a Friend, Girlboss Radio, The Goop Podcast, Meaningful Conversations with Maria Shriver and From The Heart — Conversations with Yoga Girl.

Even with all of that on her plate, Lauren has found time to focus on her own podcast, Unleash Your Inner Creative, and to create new music, with her second single Rise released at the end of April.

Monsters & Critics had a chance to ask Lauren about her work and how she balances it all. She spoke about how she gets things done and what inspires her.

Monsters & Critics: When did you realize that you had this gift of songwriting, and why did you choose to write these uplifting anthem-type songs?

Lauren LoGrasso: Looking back on my life, I was constantly writing little funny songs as a kid, but I didn’t play an instrument, and I didn’t know that you could really be a “Songwriter” so I never conceptualized that, that’s what I was doing.

They were silly fun songs, so my parents just ignored me, and I ignored myself because I thought everyone did that. Up until my early 20s, I thought my only path to music would be musical theatre.

It wasn’t until I was 23, moved to LA, and picked up a guitar that things really got cooking. As I was learning guitar, I started falling asleep writing songs…

You know that stage when you’re in-between asleep and awake? They were coming when I was in that state. Then I got the message from God and took it to my guitar and after that, the songs started flying out of me.

It means so much more to me, since I spend the first part of my life not knowing I could write. It’s the greatest honor I’ve ever known.

The reason I write many uplifting, anthemic songs is because optimism is my coping tool. I have always been a positive person, and also, a deep feeler.

So I call it angsty optimism: It’s the belief that the best possible outcome can and WILL happen, while also acknowledging the pain you experience along the way.

I have been through a lot, but I also always believe that magic can happen and that I (and all people) are capable of overcoming any adversity. I believe in resilience and enjoy leaving musical reminders for myself and others of how very resilient we are!

M&C: You have two songs out now, Road to Glory and Rise. Do you have more music coming in the near future?

Lauren: I do! My next single, Like a Bomb, is coming out this June. This is a song about a relationship on the rocks and setting a boundary to try to save the love you still have. It’s intense, thrilling, heartbreaking, and strong.

It is one of my favorites! And my full EP will be released this summer. Exact dates TBD.

M&C: What inspired you to write these songs?

Lauren: Life. All of my songs are extremely autobiographical. Road to Glory was inspired by my journey in Hollywood, struggling and grinding, getting knocked down, and back up again while fighting for my dream of making it in music and entertainment.

Rise was inspired by an emotionally abusive relationship I was in where I was being gaslit- it was written once I escaped that situation, as I reflected back on what allowed me to survive and get out.

Like a Bomb was written about another relationship where I was so deeply in love, but there was just this recurring issue that I knew would eventually tear us apart…

I was trying desperately to hang on and control it, but I knew it was ultimately up to my partner and whether or not he wanted to change. They’re all based on real situations and relationships.

Lauren Lograsso
Lauren LoGrasso’s Rise is her second single. Pic credit: Lauren LoGrasso

M&C: What do you do to stay focused with so much on your plate between your career in podcasts and your music?

Lauren: I keep my days focused on my career as an executive producer and my evenings and early, early mornings focused on music and my own podcast, Unleash Your Inner Creative. Weekends are typically split between everything and also a little free/fun time when I can.

Even though there is always a lot to do, the best way for me to maintain focus and stay efficient is by working on one task at a time. It sounds simple and obvious, but it’s true and unfortunately, very difficult for me.

But, it yields the best results so I stick to it!

M&C: In another interview, you mentioned moving to LA to act. How did you end up producing these great podcasts instead?

Lauren: Oh, boy, this is a long answer, so strap in! HA! To start, in college, I got a BFA in acting, and a BA in Communication, and I was also a DJ on the campus radio station, so I always had it in my head that I would more than likely combine media and art, somehow.

When I graduated, though, I wanted to act more than anything in the world. I wanted to act so badly. It was honestly unhealthy – my whole identity was tied up in it… Because of the way I was pursuing it, acting really broke my heart.

Music healed it. I started writing music to deal with the pain of getting knocked down by my acting career. Don’t get me wrong, I still love acting. I am in SAG-AFTRA and act from time-to-time (I was just in a feature film called Idyll)…I just hate the business of it.

The fact that you have to wait for someone else to give you permission to create felt like prison to me. What I love about music is that you can stand on the street corner and sing, same with podcasting. If I want to make a podcast, all I need is a mic, the ability to edit, and the internet.

So anyway, I tell you that, because music really came first, and led me to a deep, deep love of all audio. At the same time, I started writing music and playing gigs, I started growing an obsession with SiriusXM.

I’d listen to this show called, Cocktails with Patrick – the host was from Detroit (my hometown) and would talk about Michigan things all the time.

I was pretty depressed and homesick at the time, so I’d pretend that I was back home in Michigan, listening. His show made me feel less alone; like I had a friend keeping me company on the lonely LA streets.

It was at that time that I realized audio’s power to change lives. I started saying out loud, all the time, “I want to work at SiriusXM.”

A year or two later, I ended up getting a hosting gig at AfterBuzz TV, which led me to meet my mentors, Keven Undergaro and Maria Menounos, which led to me working at SiriusXM on Maria’s radio show.

That job ultimately led me to where I am today, working in podcasting.

M&C: Can you tell us what it’s like to work with celebrity podcasters like Lauren Conrad and Maria Shriver? Is it fun? Demanding? Difficult?

Lauren: It is fun, exciting, and inspiring. I love working with Lauren Conrad because she is so collaborative – she has a deep desire to always grow and evolve and we really shaped the sound of her show together.

She is an incredible personality, businesswoman, and human being.

As far as Maria Shriver goes, not only is she a legend and incredible talent, she is also so genuine, curious and she really cares. My favorite part about her is how willing she is to hear a good idea.

It doesn’t matter who it comes through. If you have a good idea she will listen deeply and take it into consideration.

I feel beyond blessed that every day, I get to sit in rooms, produce, and be in conversation with people who are at the top of their game. It’s a privilege.

M&C: Do you have any advice for others who know they are creative and want to break into the entertainment business?

Lauren: Don’t think too much before moving to a big city or else you’ll never do it, but also know, it’s always possible to create right from where you are.

Always believe in yourself, even if you have to fake it.

If you have a dream, it is worth fighting for. I always say, repressed creativity is the cause of much of the world’s suffering, so let it out–you might change the world, even if it’s just with your own happiness.

Make creativity the filter for your life, find a way to take fear out of the driver’s seat, and claim your right to have a dream and take up space. It takes a lot of work, resilience, belief, practice, and love, but you are more than capable.

No dream is there just to mess with you, so start throwing pasta at the wall (that’s a saying, right?) and go for it!

The path will reveal itself and time. I never thought I’d be a singer/songwriter and executive producer, and here I am! It can happen to and for you, too. Follow the yes’s (and the no’s).

And for lots of actionable advice on how to pursue a creative life and do the above-mentioned things, check out my podcast, Unleash Your Inner Creative.

It’s a tool I wish I’d had when I first moved to LA! Oh, and seek out mentors…That helps a lot! And become a mentor, too!

M&C: What can we expect from you next?

Lauren: More music this summer – my next single, Like a Bomb is out in June, so follow me on Spotify and social media for updates!

I am also thinking of launching another podcast that has to do with female empowerment and self-discovery, so be on the lookout. I want to continue building out my public speaking career.

And of course, continuing to EP so many amazing shows.

Keep an eye out for Lauren LoGrasso. Already successful in her own right, Lauren is definitely on the rise.

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Paula Gibson
Paula Gibson
4 years ago

Beautiful songbook,I still have chills I need your new music Omg. Rise is beautifully amazing Wow. So much love and prayers the world hears it. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Paula Gibson
Paula Gibson
4 years ago

Songbird I just listened to rise. My new favorite anthem I felt it so deep. So great full to have watched you rise and rise and rise ????♥️♥️Your biggest fan. So much love