
Classic Mr. Mom gets the TV treatment in new VUDU series and you can watch it for free

Mr. Mom and the kids
Hayes MacArthur (Greg), Catherine/Elizabeth Last (Hannah) and Cary Christopher (Zack). Pic credit Kana Idetsu/Vudu, Inc

You remember the 1983 movie Mr. Mom, don’t you? The John Hughes movie starred Michael Keaton as the family breadwinner who loses his job, and his wife (Teri Garr) returns to work.

Becoming a stay-at-home dad became a lot harder than he thought. That storyline has been reworked somewhat for the new VUDU original series of the same name which has begun streaming today.

For the 11-episode series, Greg (Hayes MacArthur from Angie Tribecca) is a bit more of a modern man. He knows how to fold fitted sheets, vacuum the floor, and make the kids’ lunches.

It’s easy for him since he doesn’t have to do it all the time. And staying at home seems a lot more appealing than his day job.

Meanwhile, Greg’s wife, Megan (Andrea Anders from Young Sheldon) has been absent from her former career as a marketing exec.

She has taken a lot from what she learned from the job force home with her though creating color-coded family schedules and creating healthy meal plans for the week.

The cast of Mr. Mom TV series
Andrea Anders (Megan), Cary Christopher (Zack), Hayes MacArthur (Greg) and Elizabeth Last (Hannah). Pic credit: Kana Idetsu/Vudu, Inc

When Megan decides now is the right time for her to return to work, Greg sees this as a good opportunity to quit his job and kickstart his startup. How tough can it be to keep the kids alive?

Instead of the three children seen in the movie version, this new family features just two. Hannah (played by twins Elizabeth and Catherine Last) is five-years-old and knows how to work her dad, getting him to agree to things that mom would never be okay with.

Zack (Cary Christopher) is only three, but he’s a tough toddler who is unpredictable. So much so that he got banned from local daycares.

Meanwhile, Megan learns pretty quickly that the work world has changed a lot since she’s been away. Her boss Riley (Michelle Ortiz from MadTV) is quite a bit younger and used to work as Megan’s employee years before.

Now she runs the company.

The Mr. Mom cast is rounded out with Megan’s younger sister Chelsea (Jenna Boyd), and co-workers Spencer (Anton Peeples) and Blythe (Minni Jo).

Mr. Mom is streaming right now on and is one of the company’s free offerings.

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