
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are ‘addicted to drama’

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wedding
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry allegedly share “a mutual addiction to drama.” Pic credit: ©

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle appear to be enjoying their life away from the royal family, but there may be a reason that the two stayed in the United Kingdom for so long despite the problems they had.

Harry and Meghan had a whirlwind and fast-paced romance as far as royal dating is concerned, as the two were married within only two years of being together. Meanwhile, Prince William and Kate Middleton were together for 10 years before marriage.

Author Tina Brown believes that Meghan and Harry fed off of each other’s dramatics and shared a “mutual addiction to drama.”

Meghan Markle’s dramatics encouraged by Prince Harry

Many royal watchers may recall the many feuds that Meghan was part of during her time in the UK. According to Brown, their wedding preparation “was all drama, all the time,” and Meghan often seemed to drag Harry into the drama whenever “she sensed any obstruction.”

There was the infamous tiara spat between Meghan and royal dresser Angela Kelly, in which Harry’s solution was, “Whatever Meghan wants, Meghan gets.”

Meghan reportedly got into it with Kate Middleton as well, resulting in a fight that ended in tears from either one of the women or potentially both.

Although the family might have tried to keep these incidents quiet, a source told Brown that was nearly impossible as there “was a lot of raging. In-person shouting in front of other members of staff, basically in front of too many people, which is why it all started to come out.”

William and Kate were allegedly shocked at her behavior toward the staff as no one else treated the staff the same way. There are claims that when Meghan arrived, she immediately treated their staff as her own, which was surprising to many.

Meghan reportedly yelled at employees and treated staff harshly, resulting in Harry being sent to talk to her. Meghan apologized, but it is noted that she was generally not remorseful for her actions.

At this time, Meghan has denied claims of bullying the palace staff.

With Harry’s history of short-tempered behavior, it was not surprising to many that the dramatics seemed to fuel the couple. Meghan’s moods have a history of impacting Harry’s, causing him to be unsociable with reporters at times despite being generally happy to talk to them before.

Some believe that Meghan was filled with delusions about what royal life would be and was misled by Harry, but Brown doesn’t think this is the whole story.

Prince Harry ‘didn’t want’ Meghan to acclimate to royal life

Brown believes that Harry truly had no desire to help Meghan acclimate to royal life and wanted her assistance in pushing back against the royal family instead.

When discussing Harry’s desire to help Meghan enter royal life, Brown wrote, “He didn’t want to. Their new complicity required Meghan to fight all the norms he had kicked against for so long. She was now his comrade in arms. An aide described their confrontational stance to me as a mutual ‘addiction to drama.’”

It is believed that when they announced their departure from the royal family in January 2020, they expected to get what they wanted from the royal family, but that wasn’t the case.

Rather than seeing what the couple wanted, the royal family accepted that the couple was leaving and eventually stripped them of their royal titles and duties.

A former adviser said, “Harry and Meghan were really stunned” when their departure was accepted without argument.

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2 years ago

Problematic people want support and reinforcement, and will gravitate toward others with similar antisocial tendencies. Drama gets them attention and makes them feel important. Both of them have deeply ingrained behaviors and attitudes that therapy may never fix. Unfortunately, their children will grow up in this environment, and will learn the same behaviors and attitudes, thus perpetuating the cycle of antisocial mental disorders.