
Kate Middleton credited with keeping the Royal family together, Meghan Markle slammed

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton and Prince William’s son Prince Louis stole the show during the Platinum Jubilee. Pic credit: ©

Author Tina Brown’s newest novel, The Palace Papers, made its debut today and has given many royal watchers a lot of insider info about the happenings of the royal family. Brown touches on the relationships throughout the family, such as Harry and Meghan, Charles and Camilla, and of course, Kate and William.

After her marriage to William, Kate quickly became a fan favorite and is known as a fashion icon with many likenesses to the late Princess Diana. The Duchess of Cambridge frequently honors her husband’s late mother and even Queen Elizabeth through her wardrobe and has been known to wear similar outfits to Diana.

Not only is Kate a fan favorite, but Brown believes that it’s because of Kate’s presence that the royal family hasn’t completely fallen apart, given the events of the past few years.

Royal family would fall apart without Kate Middleton

Brown revealed that if Kate were to think of leaving the royal family as Meghan Markle did, “it would be a disaster.” Though the royal family has managed to survive without Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Brown doesn’t think the same would be true if Kate decided to leave.

The reason Kate’s leaving would be so detrimental to the royal family seems rather simple: There aren’t many “young women” who could do what she does. Brown said the family would “crumble” without her “because she’s the only modern, beautiful woman who’s well-educated, substantial in herself, who’s actually wanting to commit herself to the rigors of this institution.”

Brown believes that it took “care and strategy” for Kate to marry William and that it was critical that Kate was prepared for the life changes that becoming a member of the royal family requires.

Fortunately, Kate had her mother, Carole, to help her. Brown believes Carole’s role was “very critical” for Kate’s success as she entered her new life. Although the two have always been “madly in love,” the change from girlfriend to the future queen is a big step that not many can handle.

Brown revealed that William made the right choice to wait so long before proposing to Kate and that choosing Kate was a wise choice.

Kate Middleton not ‘deluded’ like Meghan Markle

Brown praised William for taking his time before deepening his relationship with Kate to make sure that she was ready to be part of the British royal family.

Brown said, “He was absolutely sure she could handle it before they married. She was trained.” Brown added that Kate did not have “deluded” ideas about royal life, unlike Meghan Markle, who never seemed to truly adjust to the royal lifestyle before she and Harry left.

Royal watchers may recall that the late Princess Diana felt immediately isolated and outcasted when she became engaged to Charles. She had previously lived in an apartment with friends and worked as a kindergarten teacher before having her life as she knew it completely whisked away.

Diana’s life-changing engagement caused many issues in her life, including leading her to the path of an eating disorder. It is possible that William’s caution with Kate was to avoid leading her to a similar fate in an unhappy marriage.

The Palace Papers can be purchased here.

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2 years ago

No question about it, Kate has every necessary ingredient for her vital position in the Royal family’s future.
MM has absolutely nothing genuine to contribute. She faked it as long as she could, but the truth always comes out.

2 years ago

MM had delusions of grandeur, wealth, and position. But as the saying goes, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

2 years ago

I love that Kate will become Queen one day; good for her, she suffered enough for it. Does anyone remember how much pain William caused her when he went to “sew his oats”?! She had difficult times just like Megan, but one thing was different; William was trained at birth to be King. Harry was not trained to be king, and on top of that, was always referred to the spare; it’s well known that he was reminded this at every turn; can you imagine the mental effects that would have on a young boy or man? Everyone was very excited that Megan had all her Public Speaking skills and Acting skills and took full advantage of that; then one day she was told she was getting too much publicity and told to stay in their apartment. She got the same slap down that Harry got his whole life; Harry was the one that wanted to leave, and I can’t blame him for taking a stand and protecting her from this treatment.

2 years ago

“Taking full advantage” of speaking and acting abilities makes it appear that she was hungry for the spotlight.
She wasn’t told to “stay in their apartment.” She was helped to understand the appropriate times and places, and to what degree, to use those abilities.

danLrene ©2011
danLrene ©2011
2 years ago

Beautiful article. I agree that Catherine is the perfect spouse for William and they work together as one. Catherine does not try to be number one but is willing to do whatever is needed as a working member of the Royals. So many do not understand what being a working Royal is. Thank you for this article.

2 years ago

…. And just who needs a working royal!!!!