
Cassie Ventura breaks silence after leaked video, Diddy apology

Cassie and Diddy on the red carpet
Cassie and Diddy have spoken out after abuse video was leaked. Pic credit: ©ImageCollect.comXPX/ STAR MAX

Cassie Ventura has broken her silence after a video of her ex-boyfriend Sean “Diddy” Combs abusing her in a hotel hallway surfaced.

Taking to Instagram, Cassie addressed the incident in the hotel while thanking those who have shown her support during this time.

“Thank you for all of the love and support from my family, friends, strangers and those I have yet to meet. The outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now, but this is only the beginning,” she began her lengthy message.

Cassie also declared that the problem is domestic abuse and revealed she will always be recovering from what happened to her.

Then she had a message for those seeking support from domestic violence as well as those victims are reaching out to for help.

“My only ask is that EVERYONE open your heart to believing victims the first time. It takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out of a situation that you were powerless in. I offer my hand to those that are still living in fear. Reach out to your people, don’t cut them off. No one should carry this weight alone,” she expressed.

Cassie ended her message by sharing that support is everything because she will always be on a journey of healing from her abusive past.

The message comes after Diddy issued his own apology for his behavior after the hotel footage went viral.

Sean “Diddy” Combs issues apology after hotel video leaked

On Sunday, Diddy also used social media to speak out about the video and his actions. Diddy admitted that he was “f**cked up” and “hit rock bottom” during that time of his life while saying he wasn’t making excuses for his actions.

“My behavior on that video is inexcusable. I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I was disgusted then when I did it. I’m disgusted now,” he shared. “I went, and I sought out professional help. I got into going to therapy, going to rehab.”

The rapper went on to reveal that he had turned to God for “mercy and grace” before apologizing. Diddy reiterated that he’s working to become better.

“I’m so sorry. But I’m committed to be a better man each and every day. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m truly sorry,” Diddy stated.

Neither Cassie nor Diddy named each other in their respective statements, but her lawyer did speak out after Diddy’s apology video.

Cassie Ventura’s lawyer responds to Sean “Diddy” Combs apology

Cassie’s lawyer, Meredith Firetog, issued a statement obtained by People magazine regarding Diddy’s apology after he shared the video. The lawyer explained that the statement and video were more about him than those he hurt.

Meredith slammed Diddy for only coming forward once the truth about him came out. She called his words “disingenuous” and declared no one would be swayed by his attempt at an apology.

50 Cent also called out Diddy for an apology that did not hit right just as news broke that Netflix bought 50 Cent’s documentary about Diddy.

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