Gang influence grows as The Bloods rise in power on 60 Days In

This week on 60 Days In, violent gang The Bloods continue their rise in power in Atlanta’s Fulton County Jail.

Colonel Mark C. Adger might be in charge of the jail but is he really the one who control what goes on? Judging by some of the volunteer’s experiences, the real control that affects prisoner’s daily lives the most is often in the hands of gangs.

With drug abuse rife the supply of illegal narcotics is big business in prison and the lucrative trade is dominated by competing gangs.

One of the participants is Don, who comes from the projects of Newark, Delaware. The Colonel thinks he might be able to reach some of the inmates as his father was a drug dealer and struggled to make a legal living. Don is also acutely aware of how different black and hispanic people are treated by police and how little support is given to former-inmates. The latter combined with profiling often leading to reoffending and a crime spiral.

60 Days In airs Thursdays at 9:00 PM on A&E.

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