Alaskan Bush People exclusive: Matt’s air-conditioned suit actually works

On tonight’s white-knuckler two-hour finale of Alaskan Bush People, we see the fallout of last week’s injury that Matt suffered, and it appears to be getting a bit worse. But before dramatic footage of a looming fire, as teased by Discovery for the finale, our clip reveals an amusing back and forth between Bam Bam

Meet Talus: Mark Hamill’s ‘battle-hardened’ character revealed for Knightfall

History’s action-packed period Knights Templar drama Knightfall has revealed an exciting new character for Season 2. Mark Hamill is playing Talus, a “battle-hardened” Knight Templar who has survived many skirmishes abroad. Knightfall star Tom Cullen is portrayed as the leader Templar Knight, Landry. The two are shown in a newly released photo that promises this